Chapter 34

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'You wanna go back?' Mingyu sat beside Wonwoo who was playing with his phone on the sofa with both his legs up, without a care in the world. The man looked at the wall clock and shook his head. Smiling, Mingyu turned the television on, trying to find something to do in the living room.

Since coming back from Wonwoo's hometown, his mate had been spending quite a lot of time in the apartment, despite what he said earlier about not being ready to move in. Most of the time, they would return to their dorms at night after hours together from right after they were done with their classes, but in rare cases, Wonwoo would want to spend the night.

'What?' He looked at the omega who was staring at him from behind his phone, 'Finally admitting I'm hot?'

'You look stupid.' Mingyu smirked at that comment. Stupid means handsome in Wonwoo's dictionary. Well, at least that is what he assigned the word to be. Whenever the smaller male say something bad about him, he meant the opposite, or something good so Mingyu just interpreted it however he wanted it to be. Right now, he liked to be called handsome and since Wonwoo likes to call him stupid, that would be the meaning.

Resting on his back, Mingyu turned to his left, at his omega. His pajamas that was too big for Wonwoo perfectly revealed his alluring collar bone and his soft neck. He was not sure about it at first but recently, the older had been giving him some hints. Maybe. He was never good at reading subtle hints. And Wonwoo's subtle was really subtle. The man had been requesting to wear his clothes but when Mingyu got excited that he was doing something a couple would do, Wonwoo would retort back saying it was too much work to bring his here. And since that seemed like something the latter would say, Mingyu sadly gave up on the idea; until the stares started. That was really hard to catch because the omega was quick to change his gaze but after a while, he stopped trying to hide it. And now this. This was really obvious. Wonwoo knew Mingyu loves his clavicles and still he chose to wear the button down pajamas, purposely leaving the two uppermost ones unbuttoned.

Wonwoo wanted it.

Mingyu stared at that soft skin, afraid to make his move. This was not Wonwoo's heat so he might be more susceptible to flashbacks and his trauma but it had really been a while and Mingyu really wanted to touch the man. Not just touching, he wanted to hold him, lick him all over. Really, really badly. He was sex-deprived.

Slowly, Mingyu placed his hand on Wonwoo's knee, testing if the man wanted the same thing. With no rejection yet, he gently made his way down the loose pants, tracing the skin gently while placing short kisses on his right knee. Hearing the soft moan, Mingyu made his way ever so slowly, caressing the omega's inner thighs, slowly opening them until he reach the bulge, that piece of flesh that had started to harden. Glaring at Wonwoo whose phone already forgotten on the floor, Mingyu claimed those lips hungrily, rubbing his erection until Wonwoo pushed him away for air. Resting their forehead together, he stared at that dark orb, pecking those sexy lips in between, 'Seriously?'

Wonwoo nodded shyly but before the alpha got too excited, 'Not too hard. I can't-' he gulped, 'I'm a bit nervous.'

'You don't want it?' Mingyu frowned. Though Wonwoo was the one inviting, he just said he was nervous, which meant he was scared. Why would he want to proceed with it? But god, he was so turned on right now, he didn't know if he could hold back. Fuck, his hand was on Wonwoo's crotch for god's sake. Can he just give Wonwoo a blowjob at least? A rimjob maybe? He just want a tast-

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