Chapter 19 [M]

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Droplets of sweats started to fall down his temple as Wonwoo took deep breaths trying to hold in his pain. His lower stomach contracted so much he could no longer feel anything around that area. It was too painful he wanted to just pass out and wake up again when it's over.

This was definitely not how heats should feel like. Heats shouldn't hurt like this. Everyone seemed like they enjoy theirs. This was not enjoyable at all. This was torturous. He shouldn't feel like this if he was ready to mate. He should be desperate for other people's touch, that was what Soonyoung said. He would have already touched himself if this was the case.

No. This was not heat.

He shouldn't be in heat.

He was already long pass the normal timing for his first heat. He should be a broken omega.

He should be infertile. He should be a normal beta male with scent.

This was not heat. Mingyu didn't know what he was talking about.

This was not heat.

Not heat...

Wonwoo gasped in surprised when he felt his leg grabbed and his whole body thrown onto the bed. He managed to catch a glimpse of the place and realized he didn't recognize the room. Trying to sit up, he finally caught the strong scent that had been surrounding him for the last minutes. It was an alpha, and the pheromones was invasive and intense, trying to control him, trying to stir him motionless and Wonwoo widened his eyes in realization.

He was indoors.

He was indoors like they told him to be and yet an alpha managed to get him. They said he would be safe behind closed doors but he was thrown on the bed instead. They said he was attacked because he was at the alley filled with alphas but he was now alone behind four walls and yet someone managed to get inside. They blamed him for what happened that night because of his own carelessness and yet...

They lied. They said he would be safe here. He thought he was finally safe here. He thought he could finally try to relax and focus on holding the pain in his stomach until it disappeared. But he was obviously wrong. Nowhere was safe.

Already drained from trying to bear the pain in his lower stomach and the incident a few minutes ago, he couldn't even push the hands away from his body as he was flipped over on the bed. As much as he tried to grip the other's hands to push it, he only managed to pull a finger away. That was not enough.

He almost chocked on his own saliva as he was flipped yet again, only this time, his jeans were gone before he could stop it. Looking at the entranced alpha above him who had his eyes all over his body, Wonwoo hid his face in shame as he felt his knees spread apart, baring his private parts to his attacker. 'I don't want to....'

No. This couldn't happen again. This shouldn't happen again! Not after all the progress he made in recovering after the first time! He was almost fixed back to normal!!

'NOOO!! DON'T WANT!!' Wonwoo screamed as he struggled to push himself away from the alpha above him. Still trying to close his knees to hide himself, he screamed his refusal, hoping the man would actually listen but to no avail. He knew it was useless. Just like that night, they will never listen to him. He gasped for air as hard as he could, trying to hold the tears that were filling his duct, making them vibrate as the liquid were threatening to flow down. He didn't want to cry.

He bit his lips as hard as he could to hold in the whimpers as the alpha touched his sensitive skin and was thankful it hurt so bad it distracted him from what was happening, even for a slight moment. The moment he felt the grip on his hands loosened, he reached for the side table, blindly hoping to grab for something hard to swing. The man had secured his knees on each side of the sheets and Wonwoo realized he couldn't close them anymore, not when the man had already placed himself in between. It was too late. He will be torn into inhumanly again.

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