1~ Celebrity Crush Switch

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A/N: Attention readers, due to me having a crazy dumbass ex, I have to rewrite this story because he thought it would be funny to delete all of my stories I published and all the stories I was working on to publish in the future just because he is mad that I dumped him. So, I have to start back over with everything but I want you guys to go thank DirtyTamara (I swear if she change her name one more time 🙄) for not exiting her app before he deleted them and sent me screen recordings of this book so that I am able to rewrite this book and continue it for you guys. So imma just dedicate this whole series to her because she deserves it 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤

•Shanelle POV•

I was waken up by the sun beaming strong in my room. I groan and place my head under the blankets to block out the sun to the best of my abilities while closing my eyes to fall back into deep slumber, but with bad timing my mom comes bursting through my bedroom door.

"Honey, your uncle will be here any minute now. If you still want to go you're going to have to get up and get dressed."

I let out a groan and roll dramatically out of bed making a loud thud once connecting with the ground. God, I hate waking up. Makes me miss sleeping already.

My mom leaves my room with drips of laughter escaping her lips at my drama queen ways that she swears up and down I get from her. Staying on the ground a few more seconds, I slowly rise to my feet and head to my bathroom in attempts to get ready. I decide on wearing my cut off jean shorts and my red Minnie Mouse shirt because I just know it's going to be crazy hot today like always around this time in California.

I was just lacing up my left sneaker when I hear my mom yelling to me that my uncle was here. Leaving my shoe halfway tied, with excitement, I rush down the stairs and embrace my uncle in a big hug like I haven't seen him in years not just last night.

That's when my uncle asked for me to join him in his studio session today. He and everyone who knows me knows how much I love music. Just the way it can dictate your emotions and make you feel things you never felt before. I want to make people feel. Make them happy when they want to feel happy. Sad when they want to be sad and so on. In other words, I dream of being a song writer when I grow up and today is going to be my first time in the studio for now my uncle thinks I'm old enough to appreciate it more.

Now, Uncle Berry isn't my real uncle technically but he comes pretty darn close considering he and my mother been best friends since diapers making them call each other brother and sister anyway. Although he sometimes acts like a overprotective father, he still has those uncle tendencies where he is real chill and laid back. Let me do what ever I wanted when he use to babysit me. Tv all day, ice cream and candy for dinner, singing and dancing until the crack of dawn. Well, until we hear my mother in the drive way causing me to book it upstairs and pretend to be sleep.

Ahhh, those were the days.

"You ready to go Shanelle?" My uncle asks once setting me down back on the ground in front of him.

I nod eagerly and sprint off to his SUV, not even waiting for his driver to open my door. He says goodbye to my giggling mother and makes his way to the car to start our trip to the studio which to me doesn't take long at all. We walk hand in hand into the bland building as I try my best to keep my nerves under control. We don't even get three doors down for us to start hearing beautiful beats that must have been my uncle and his team creations because he hums along to it with this melody I never heard before.

Once reaching the door, he allows me to head in before him and with one look around the room I'm speechless. As I gawk over the room, it doesn't take long for my eyes to cast upon the most famous 5 brothers in the world at this very moment.

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