12~ Fan Letter

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•Michael POV•

Today is the 5th concert of our US tour and I'm anxious to get up on that stage again like I am every night. We landed in Baltimore yesterday at 11 PM and because of the jet lag, we all crashed once getting assigned to our rooms. Since our schedules were jampacked today, we all, which is really just Randy, Marlon, and I, had to get up really early to do our four hours of schooling, even Shanelle who arrive in Nashville with Mrs. De Passe last night as well. Seeing as though the fellas and I are used to these early mornings by now, we are all in the conference room the hotel gave us access to for rehearsing and not bother the other guests, joking and laughing with each other until Shanelle sluggishly enters the room wiping her sleepy eyes.

This was Shanelle's first day on tour with us due to complications with her school records or whatever. That's another reason why am as happy as I can be this morning. I get the travel the world with the girl I pray to marry one day, hangout with her all the time and now I'm not going to feel lonely like I usually do during tours because she fills that gap in my heart every time she's near.

"Morning sunshine!" Randy jokingly chirped as we laughed once she dramatically rolls her eyes.

She takes the empty seat I saved just for her before groaning, "Just for the record, I hate all of you right now."

"Did we interrupt your beauty sleep Shanelle?" Marlon chimes in still chuckling with the rest of us. "Not used to waking up this early?"

"I'm used to waking up for school but 5 AM is a bit early don't you think? The sun ain't even out yet." She yawns but I could sense the attitude in her voice still, making me smile.

She looks so cute when she is tired.

"We have sound check at 9:30 AM and booked for interviews until showtime. 5 AM is the only time slot open." I explain rubbing her thigh soothingly under the table feeling your body tense but then relax completely at the sudden touch. Before anyone could say anything else, Mrs. Gerson came into the conference room holding a crate full of textbooks, notebooks, and worksheets.

"Randy, I hope you studied. Please start labeling each state and its capital." She instructs handing him an empty sheet with the country on it then reaches inside the crate pulling out a textbook labeled 'American History', a book I knew was for Marlon since I saw him reading it yesterday during our school session. "Marlon, continue filling out this worksheet. We will be going over it when you are done." She takes out two more textbooks labeled 'World History', sliding them towards Shanelle and I. She then hands us two notebooks along with sharpened pencils for each us. "Michael and Shanelle, open your books to page 12; we will be reading about the WWI. Feel free to take notes if needed because there will be quiz about it tomorrow."

And just like that, we were all put to work.

By the time we finished with our school session, it was 9:23am meaning we arrived at soundcheck pretty late. Upon arriving, Shanelle sat in the front row next to Mrs. De Passe as Randy, Marlon, and I took our spots next to our older brothers.

"Okay, we are starting to show off with 'Stand' then we are going to move into, 'I Want You Back', just like before when we did them Christmas shows. Can we practice that please?" Mrs. De Passe instructs and at the count of three we begin to do the choreography we have came accustomed to doing.

Although I was instructed to save my voice for the show, I couldn't help but to put on a performance for Shanelle who couldn't stop smiling and nodding her head to the beat of every song. I pranced all around the stage just like I would do tonight, making sure to hit every note I as perfect as I could.

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