17~ I Wanna Be Where You Are

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• Shanelle POV •

I quickly put on each of my sneakers before running clean out the door, without even telling momma goodbye but she was headed off to work anyway so I don't think it matters.

"Took you long enough. Damn." Trisha groans as we start to head towards the local park where Kim told us to meet her about 15 minutes ago.

It doesn't take long before we round the corner and see the park packed with kids we both know since they are in our grade. Instead of walking around searching hopelessly for Kim, we decide to sit on a bench and wait till she spots us. I start to scan the many familiar faces I've seen around the school before I had to get homeschooled as Trisha yaps on and on about the phone call she had with Marlon the other day.

"Are you even listening? Shanelle?" Trisha falls out just as I see two of the most familiar faces in school headed our way.

I turn around to see if they are actually walking to us only to see a fence meaning, they were in fact headed our way.

"Trisha. Look." I whisper, bumping her with my elbow.

She moves here eyes to the target just as they reach about a step from us.

"Hey, Shanelle. Long time no see." He beams down at me as I politely return the smile.

He is holding a basketball and seeing how he is shirtless and sweaty tells me they just finished playing a pick up game on the courts next to the playground. Examine him a bit as he talked, the same things still popped up in my head as they did when I was younger during our little encounter in the mall that one time. Michael still walked sexier than him, spoke his words smoother than him, and not to mention, the looks Michael is known for giving me when telling me he is in that mood sends chills up and down my body.

Tyrone was growing a little fit though but Michael had him easily beat in that category as well and even though his eyes were the same coffee brown color as Michael's, Michael has this special twinkle in his every time you looked at him. See, Michael to me is special. One of a kind. As for Tyrone, there are a million other boys that are just like him. Not to be mean, but he isn't something special in my eyes. Just  a boy in love with girls who will do anything for him to look their way. A player you can say.

"Hey, Tyrone. Hey, Brandon." I mutter as Trisha sits quiet, for the first time in her life, staring at them with the elevator look, questions with her eyes why did they even approach us.

"We were about to play.....tag....and was wondering if you two would like to join us." Tyrone quizzes as he runs his hand across his sweaty forehead.

"What's teams?" Trisha speaks up, rolling her eyes at the wink Brandon threw at her just a second ago.

Tyrone slowly casts his eyes on Trisha before saying, "Girls against boys like how it always is."

He points over to where a group of girls is huddled across from where a group of boys were doing the same thing. Shrugging our shoulders, knowing we have nothing better else to do, we make our over to the girls while they chat about how cute so and so us before we hear Brandon yell for us to start running. Just like that, we were all sprinting in opposite directions, some screaming bloody murder as the guys chased us. I run up the jungle gym and look behind me to see Tyrone running straight to me. I quickly jump off and sprint towards the slides with him not on my trail.

This boy is fast!

I get up the slide and turn around, only to see him gone. Thinking he went to chase after some other girl, I turn around to go back down the slide but suddenly I feel a slight sting on my behind followed by arms grabbing me and pushing me back gently against the bars by the slide.

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