28~ Read Between The Lines

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"We are WKLRB Radio giving you all the soul and funk throughout your day to keep your bodies grooving and them booties shaking. I'm your host, Mr. Kollin Minor, the infamous womanizer, and I'm telling you ladies and gents, you all will not believe who I have in the studio with me today. Hell, I can't even believe it and I'm staring at the brother! Why don't you do the honors of introducing yourself into that mic' right there, man."

"Right here?" Berry questions, smirk on full display.

"Right there." The host nods.

"Well, um.." Berry starts but then pauses as if he was thinking of what he was going to say but it was only to add dramatic effect. "This is Berry Gordy."

"Founder of Motown." The host cuts in excitedly and Berry releases a deep chuckle then repeats, "Founder of Motown."

The other people in the studio with them begin to clap and cheer as if they were a surprised audience as the disc jockey continues his interview smoothly as ever. "I first want to start off by saying how much of an honor it is to be in the same room with you, brother. I mean, you are responsible for so many acts that I love and I know for sure everyone else does too. Like, The Supremes, Smokey and the Miracles, Martha Reeves and The Vandellas, just to name a few. Not to mention, The Temptations! How did you develop such an extraordinary ear for music, man?"

Berry scratches his chin as he thought about his answer carefully, then decides to just answer with the first thing that comes to his mind. "I truly don't know. The work on finding these groups was simply the acts work entirely, not mine. We just come together one by one and the rest is history."

"What I've always wanted to know is, with so many gold record selling artists swimming around Hitsville U.S.A, how do you keep track of everyone? I mean with everyone and everything that they have going on plus complaints you probably get a few times a week I'm sure, how is it so easy for you to keep your head leveled within the madness and continue to push on through."

Berry shrugs. "It's just something I know I have to do. I'm driving this bus and have to make sure everyone is present in their best way possible."

"I'm sure it gets hard sometimes right?" Berry was then asked causing his head to nod almost immediately.

"Of course." He answers. "But this is what I love. This is what they love so, we just make it work. Everyone there does their part and more though, which also makes it a bit easier on me in all honesty."

"Does their own part? Like writing and producing and junk?"

Berry hesitates as he thinks, finally breathing out when he thought of a political answer to say, "A few of them took on that role in writing and producing some of their stuff, yes."

"Well, with all this stuff going all around about your niece, I'm sure you got her up in there writing for them right? She is the writer artists are fighting to the death over just to work with these days." The host adds in with a huge smile and at this moment Berry knew what was in store for this interview next. "I mean, she did write a huge hit for little Michael Jackson that started all of this for her, right?"

"Yes. The song was handed to me from Michael and he had informed me that Shanelle had wrote it about him after we had already cut the track. I admit, it's pretty decent work. Better than some song writers in the industry today and that's not me being bias because she's my niece. It's the truth."

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