16~ Got My Back

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• Shanelle POV •

"Shanelle make sure you put that book report in your bag before you forget it please because I ain't gonna' get it for you during my lunch break like the last time!" My mama shouts up the steps as I gather all my things quickly, including the report I was going to forget but don't tell her that.

I run all the way down and out the door to her car waiting for her to unlock the doors after she locks the front door.

We sit in comfortable silence most of the ride until my mother turns down Jackie Wilson's serenading voice and speaks while focusing hard on the morning traffic in front of us. "I never got to ask you when you came back, how was touring with the boys? Did you have fun?"

"Mhm." I hum back as a small smile crept slowly onto my face from the images of Michael and I flashing quickly through my skull.

"Did you guys get to sight see any? I know it was mostly filled with work because of the boys but what did you do for fun?" She asks while easing off the highway.

"Who would want to sight see when you have a masterpiece sucking your face off and feeling you up every second he gets." I think, but instead I clear my throat and answer with, "Yeah, we went sight seeing a few times for school and stuff. We mostly went swimming in the hotels for fun or me and Michael would talk and sing and uh....stuff like that."

My mama gives me a glare before pulling into the parking lot of the studio. Knowing she was going to ask about Michael and I, I hop out the car as quickly as can, speed walking to the door as she struggled to keep up. We get to the studio room and all the boys are there along with Mrs. De Passe, Uncle Berry, and Uncle Berry's writing team for the boys. While the older brothers stood by the soundboard goofing off while looking at some magazine, Marlon, Randy, and Michael were all in the back on the couch with their school work all spread out on the table in front of them.

As my mom and Uncle Berry got to hugging and talking, I make my way to Michael who was too focused on what he was drawing to realize my presence then take a seat next to him, examining his picture.

"Who that you drawing?" I softly ask to not ruin his concentration.

Without even looking up, he replies, "Charlie Chaplin."

I scrunch my eyebrows while darting my eyes to the Polaroid he was using to draw this man before squeaking out a "Who?"

This causes him to look at me for the first time since walking in here making him smile big at me before leaning in to kiss my lips but I smoothly move back and point to the eyes that we're discreetly watching so instead, we settle for hug.

For now at least.

Michael starts explaining to me who this Charlie Chaplin guy is just as Mrs. Gerson comes marching in with Marlon's text book, Randy's worksheet, and me and Michael's math worksheet we were working on yesterday.

"Marlon, continue to read chapter 9 please and so I know you actually read it this time, you will be quizzed once finished." She orders handing him his textbook while he gives out a unamused groan. She then turns to Randy, sliding a worksheet in front of him. "Randy, finish this worksheet about the U.S. government you read about yesterday so I know you actually read it. And as for you two, work together to finish this math sheet you were working on yesterday. You guys are almost there." She slides is our sheets and calculators then gives the four of us pencils and just like that we get to work.

"So, it looks like we stopped at number 6." Michael mutters, scooting a bit closer to me to scan my paper. "Or not. When did you get to number 9?"

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