26~ Stars Are Meant To Shine

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•Shanelle POV•

"Well we got to warm up before we get into anything. We can either warm up with 'I Want You Back' or 'Stand'. You guys choose." Mrs. De Passe instructs, taking a drag of her cigarette the next second.

I sat next to her, jotting down lyrics that popped into my head here and there, and next to me sat Trisha who seemed to be in her own little world while the boys rehearse.

"Stand. I'm tired of singing 'I Want You Back'. We sing that too much." Michael answers into the microphone, his brothers behind him groaning in agreement.

I watch Mrs. De Passe blow out her smoke smoothly as she nods her head. "Alright. On my count. Ready?" They move to their designated places quickly. "One, two, three..."

The drummer sounds off in that familiar fast rhythm and soon the keyboard guy along with Tito and Jermaine add on to the sound. Mrs. De Passe watch the boys intently, making sure Michael, Jackie, and Marlon keep time with the band while dancing for they seem to always go a bit faster than the band sometimes. When it was time for Michael to sing the opening lyric after harmonizing with his brothers in the beginning, I notice how Trisha rises her head, eyes fixated on Michael who was looking at Jermaine's fingers strum skillfully on his bass.

Stand! In the end you'll still be you
One that's done all the things you set out to do.

Then Jermaine steps up to the mic, pushing out,

Stand! There's a cross for you to bear
Things to go through if you're going anywhere....

And like that, they go back and forth, singing each note to perfection until Mrs. De Passe signals for them to stop. It takes a minute but they finally cease all playing and eye her curiously. She doesn't waste time mentioning that Marlon sounds flat with the harmonies and how Michael and Jermaine we're speeding up the tempo unconsciously, ordering them to do it again.

Around their fourth time playing the song and not even getting past the first verse, I hear Trisha groan in annoyance. "Can we please get out of here before I lose my damn mind?"

"You're so dramatic." I chuckle, shaking my head.

She rolls her eyes. "So. I'm tired of hearing this same tune over and over. I don't see how you do this."

"Do what?" I ask, jotting down more lyrics that were still popping into my head out of nowhere.

"This." She jesters towards the boys. "Watch them rehearse for hours on end. This shit is boring."

"Well, what do you want to do instead then, Trish?" I sigh.

"I don't know." She drawls and when she thinks of an activity for us, she springs up from her seat with excitement. "Lets go get our nails done! We haven't spent any time together the whole time I've been here and I go back home tomorrow."

I look over towards the stage when hearing Michael's voice call out for me before I could reply. He motions for me to come to him so I do naturally, Trisha not too far behind. Marlon shows up at his side when we are about a step away and reaches for Trisha's hand.

"You alright?" He questions, genuine concern dripping from his raspy voice. "Need anything?" She shakes her head at his questions and I watch her blush like crazy when he caresses her cheek. "Tell me if you two need anything, okay? I wanna make sure my family is all good at all times, you hear?"

She was still blushing and it was a strange sight to see, in fact, this is probably the first time seeing her face heat up like this because of a boy.

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