20~ Joseph True Colors

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A/N: sorry for the late update, my boss called me in on the day I was suppose to publish this chapter so I couldn't finish it but here you guys go. It's a pretty lengthy chapter too so I hope you guys enjoy it! 😁

I also am working on many more Michael fanfics and will release the cover and description for it soon! I'm really excited for it 😭 anywhore, enough chit chat, let's get on with this story ☺️

I also am working on many more Michael fanfics and will release the cover and description for it soon! I'm really excited for it 😭 anywhore, enough chit chat, let's get on with this story ☺️

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•Shanelle POV•

I'm starting to get use to this tour life.

Today marks the first concert of the boys 1973 world tour and I'm not really pumped about it as they are. For them, tour is filled with excitement, adrenaline, bunches and bunches of fans, and groupies. Meanwhile, tour for me is filled with 5am schooling, staying in the background entertaining myself and watching them fight all through the day and rehearsals until showtime mostly. We live off of nothing but room service and fast food, which is KFC majority of the time since Michael and the boys love it so much, all while sleeping on hotel's hard beds every night, missing home every second you have awake. The only benefit I truly have is me and Michael's alone time we still have when everyone is fast asleep along with watching them put on an amazing show night in and night out.

Tonight we are in Oklahoma City and from what I've been hearing from everyone since we got here is that the show is sold out with a huge line of about a hundred or so people camped outside for tickets that aren't even there, hoping to get lucky leaving Michael to be nothing but eager since the time we woke up till now, which is show time.

Me, I watch the boys rush to get ready in the small dressing room like usual, writing down ideas for a song I began writing this morning.

"Michael!" I hear Jackie whine over Randy, Marlon, and of course Michael's giggles. "Will you quit playing around!"

I look up from my book to see Randy and Marlon laughing their heads off at Michael who is running around the room with Jackie's tambourine. I watch amusingly as Michael stops running as if he gave up his little game just enough for Jackie to think that was the case before speeding around him just before Jackie could get ahold of him.

"Michael, you better stop before Joseph comes in here." Tito warns but Michael just continues on with his game without a care in the world as Jermaine adds, "You know how much he wants us focused before a show."

With that, Michael huffs, handing over the tambourine to Jackie while chuckling here and there over his heavy breathing from running around the whole dressing room. "Here you go you big cry baby."

Jackie goes to rough Michael up like I've seen him, Jermaine, and Tito do to him before when Michael takes it too far but stops cold in his tracks at the sound of Joseph barging into the room. He glares over at me for a quick second before focusing on his sons who suddenly began to move at a much faster pace to avoid the eye contact of Joseph along with his wrath.

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