2~ A Day With Michael

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•Shanelle POV•

"Can we talk about .... something?" Michael asks me a bit nervous.

I take a seat next to him on the grass. "Yeah sure. What's up?"

He takes a deep breath before beginning his sentence. "I uh......I ..... um..... I'm so embarrassed."

He hides his face with his hands making me quickly remove them as I give him a warming smile. "It's okay Michael. It's just me and you."

"I-I like you." He stutters.

"I like you too." I quickly respond, not really seeing where this is going.

"No. Like, I really like you. Like, I like like you. Since the moment I first saw you." He expresses leaving me speechless.

After a few seconds of silence and not really knowing what to say, I find some courage and admit softly. "I like like you too Michael."

He sighs a breath of relief then stares into my eyes. "Have you....um....kissed anyone before?"

My heart soon starts to beat faster and faster by the second. The butterflies were now at war in my stomach and I just sat stupidly staring into his big brown beautiful eyes, feeling lost. Knowing I had to answer, I shake my head not able to speak.

He smiles a comforting smile and says, "Me neither........maybe we.....could, you know. Experience it together? But only if you want of course. I don't mind if you say no. I mean, I would understand if you just-"

I stop his rambling by holding up my hand while laughing. He seemed to be more nervous about this than me which is really cute. After my laughing stops a bit, I stare back into his eyes. "We can try it."

He smiles and lifts his hand to caress my cheek,sending the butterflies back to war in my stomach. He begins to lean in and then...

"Honey, wake up. I'm going off to work now." My mother says shaking me out of one of the best dreams in a lifetime.

I groan, wiping my eyes. Looking from the Marlon poster hanging from my ceiling to her eyes. Even though I'm highly irritated that she couldn't have waited a few minutes longer, I let out a raspy okay and roll over to attempt to fall back to sleep but I spring up quickly once remembering that today is the day I'm going over to the Jackson family's house. I spring up in excitement, looking at the clock to see how much time I have until Michael is knocking at my door, 7:30 on the dot.

I haven't seen Michael since the recording session last week, well not counting tv and the magazines my friends show me. We've talked on the phone practically everyday though; whenever he got time, he would call me. He even told me he memorized my number. I'm starting to feel a little crush coming on for him. He's just so sweet, funny, and knows what to say to me at the right times. I'm completely forgetting about Marlon.

I had just finished getting ready with 20 minutes to spare so I began to watch some cartoons while eating a bowl of corn flakes to pass the time. I was in the middle of laughing at an episode of Tom and Jerry when there was a knock at my door. I turn off the tv and throw my now empty bowl in the sink before making my way to the door. Once opening it, I was met with Michael looking around at his surroundings as he fluffed out his fro with his pick.

I clear my throat to gain attention, causing him to look at me and smile. "Hey."


He lets out a nervous laugh. "Um, Can I use your bathroom before we leave. I forgot to before I left my house."

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