5~ Fixed Date

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•Michael POV•

After the performance, I didn't get a beating from Joseph like he promised which surprised me but I'm not complaining. It's been two whole days since then and during that time, Mother has set up a date for me and Shanelle to go on and today is the day.

I know what you're thinking and she didn't set up the date because she knows how much I like her. She set it up because she finds it exciting to set me up for potential wives to prepare me for the future. Seems a bit much to think about at my age, mainly that being the reason why I haven't thought much about marriage, but ever since Shanelle entered my life, I seem to think about my future more than I ever did before.

This isn't the first time mother has tried to fix me up with a girl though. She tried to set me up with this girl on my ninth birthday once but me and the girl didn't exactly click the way me and Shanelle do. Not to mention, Shanelle is prettier. The prettiest girl I've ever saw. So, making her Jackson in the future, I'm for sure going to make that happen.

I'm nervous about the date in particular though for many different reasons. Not so much that this is my first date with Shanelle but this is my first date ever. I turned down all the others that mother tried to set up with me using the excuse "I don't see myself marrying her" of course, plus, Mother has told me that she made reservations to some restaurant for me and Shanelle tonight which is sort of weird considering we are only 11 and will be eating among grown business folk but she claims it will be lovely so now I have to wear a suit and everything.

Mother has even planned this date with Shanelle's mother and I'm supposed to be riding with Bill to pick her up around 7 PM today. I was just laying out my suit when Marlon comes strolling in my room, sitting down on my bed.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at the suit Mother bought me.

"I'm making sure this isn't wrinkled for tonight." I tell him, smoothing the jacket out with my hands.

"Why? What are we doing tonight?"

"We aren't doing anything. Mother has set a date up for me tonight."

"Mother set another date up for you?" He laughs. "And you're going this time? What's different about this girl than the other ones?"

I smile just at the simple thought of Shanelle. "Everything."

"What about Shanelle? Is she better than her?"

"That doesn't even make sense Marlon." I giggle.

He looks at me confused. "What are you talking about?"

"My date is Shanelle." I admit and laugh once I see his mouth fly open.

"Mother set you up on a date with Shanelle?" I nod. "That ain't fair! I want to go on a date with Shanelle too!"

"Woah there tiger. She's off limits. Why can't you just find another girl? Besides, you know the rules. If I'm going on a date with her, that means I'm going to be marrying her in the future. Meaning, she is mine, all mine, forever."

He sighs, giving up. "Do she have any friends or sisters you know?"

I shrug. "She did mention her bestfriend on the phone the other day. Telling me how she is experienced with boys and stuff."

That puts a smile on his face.

He stands up and places an arm on my shoulders then lowers his voice to ask, "Like, experienced in what exactly?"

"I have no idea."

I honesty don't.

"Set me up with her so I can find out." He tells me and I roll my eyes unconsciously receiving the time.

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