10~ Date With My Man?

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•Shanelle POV•

I had waken up a bit early this morning and decided to watch a little cartoons. I was just in the middle of Mickey Mouse when there's a knock on my door. Now I have to leave a comfortable spot I had on the couch, so, I mumble insults about the person all the way to the door. When opening it, I was met with Trisha screaming at a boy down the street to shut up. A boy she knows well if you know what I mean.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" She asks me looking me up and down.

"What are you doing here Trisha? How did you even get here?" I quiz looking around for her Mother's car but coming up empty.

She walks past me into my house, heading towards the stairwell. "I rode my bike. You don't live that far away girl."

I close and lock my door then follow her up the stairwell. "What do you want though?"

"I need a reason to see my best friend? Besides, I have to get you lookin' good before we leave."

"What do you mean before we leave? We ain't plan to do anything today." I squeak completely confused.

Getting to my doorway of my room, she turns around and faces me, looking at me as if I had three heads. "Did you forget about that no good boyfriend stealer Lizzy is on a date with your man today?"

"Okay? And? I trust Michael. He wouldn't cheat on me"  I say confidently sitting down on my bed.

"Awwwwww. That's sweeeet." She coos smiling but quickly wipes it away as she continues, "But we don't trust Lizzy. Thanks to Marlon finally calling me today, he informed me that Michael was taking her to the arcade a couple blocks away that way he could surprise you afterwards or something like that."

I watch her as she ransacks my closet. "Thanks for ruining the surprise..and what do you plan on doing?"

"We are about to get you dressed and we are going down to the arcade to make sure everyone knows how deeply in love Michael is of you."

She throws me a shirt and start looking for some jeans as I say, "Everyone already knows that remember? It's like in every magazine still."

"And it seems to me that Lizzy needs a reminder." She smiles big, pulling out a pair of jeans that matches the shirt she gave me. "Here put these on."

I catch the jeans she throws and head to the bathroom to change, brush my hair and teeth. When finished, she wastes no time pushing me out the house, telling me to grab my bike.

"So where is this arcade exactly?" I ask getting comfortable on my seat.

"Just follow me. Will get there no time."

•Michael POV•

"I'm tired of playing this game Mikey. Can we do something else?" Lizzy says in a very flirtatious tone.

I shoot a look at Bill who shrugs his shoulders, basically leaving me hanging. "What do you want to do?" Looking back over at Lizzy who is twirling her curly hair with her finger.

She steps closer and gently tug's on my collar. "I have a few ideas. You dig?"

She has been doing this all day. This flirting she thinks is low-key which only makes me feel uncomfortable but I have to go through with this because being on this date 'helps  my image'. But all I have been doing is thinking about Shanelle. I can't help it. I know how much this date angers her and quite frankly I knew that this was going to happen but if I had the choice I will be here with her instead of Lizzy. I just can't stop wondering what she is doing or if she's even thinking of me.

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