32~All I Do Is Think Of You

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Marlon and Marlon Jr

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Marlon and Marlon Jr

•Shanelle POV•

I wipe the crust from my eyes with a loud groan as my bed continues to jiggle up and down. When I finally pry my eyes open to see who truly had the audacity to wake me up from yet another great, and I do mean great, dream, I spot Mrs. De Passe's foot at the foot of my bed, shoving it up and down.

"We have to get going in about 20 minutes and we can't be late. You're gonna have to rise and shine sleepy head."

"I literally only had 3 hours to sleep, the least you can do is give me five more minutes." I groan in protest only to feel her shaking the mattress yet again.

"I get that you were on a very late flight coming in but we have to keep this train moving along. Now, get up and get dressed. Wheels up in 20." She singsongs once seeing she accomplished her goal of being an annoying pest this morning.

I give her the coldest look I could ever give, once her back is turned, before slowly sliding out the warm hotel bed and onto the rough carpeted floor. It was true that my flight arrived late as ever last night. With me coming straight from my session with Natalie Cole, the only flight option I had was to arrive at 3 this morning. Usually I would've bailed and busied myself with more of my work load but that would make it my 5th time since this tour picked back up that I've done so and I could fathom doing that to Michael yet again. Not only did I miss being on tour and seeing the fans, I missed being with him and spending all my time and more with him.

I begin stomping my way to the bathroom to start my morning routine as I was told to do and when finally finishing, I step out of the bathroom becoming face to face with the man I came here to see, Michael.

Although he is wearing his designer shades, his new fetish it seems, I could obviously tell he was eyeing my exposed skin that wasn't covered by my small shorts and tank top for his teeth was showing no mercy to his bottom lip making me smirk in response. He was dressed in what seems to be his tux for tonight's show but added a bit of MJ swagger to it like usual. Taking a small whiff of the air, I am hit with the smell of the cologne that he was gifted from Diana Ross last year for his 17th birthday with the mixture of his natural body scent that instantly made my bones weak.

"Morning baby." He greets in his normal husky voice he gained after his puberty stage telling me he hasn't done his vocal warm ups just yet. 

I wait until his lips touch mine for the first time today before greeting back, "Good morning, Michael."

"I was thinking maybe we could go eat breakfast together. You know, since we haven't seen much of each other with all the work we've been doing."

"Yeah. That sounds good to me." I answer just as my stomach begins to rumble at the sound of me mention food. "Just let me get dressed and we could go down to the cafeteria room to eat before getting on the road."

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