9~ Dating Game

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•Michael POV•

"I just don't see why I have to do this. Everyone already knows I'm dating Shanelle. Why do I have to be a part of this? Plus aren't I a bit young for a dating game anyway? Can't like Jackie or Tito do it or something?" I fuss to Mrs. De Passe and Mr. Gordy as we rode in the limo to our destination for today.

Today, Joseph and my other management has set me up to appear on the dating game show on TV. Basically, it's like blind dating. I ask a few questions to three girls who claim they are my biggest fans and in the end, I take one of them on a date and truthfully I really don't want to. I really don't see why I have to do this in all honesty. The whole world knows about me and Shanelle being boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want my fans to think anything bad of me and most importantly, I don't want Shanelle to get jealous or anything. She is the only girl I like and have my eyes on. Only her. I have no interest in being a part of this stupid game one bit.

"Michael, the company wants the lead singer and that's you." Mrs. De Passe answers in the sweet voice she uses to convince me to do something she knows I don't want to do.

I roll my eyes. "Jermaine sings too. Why can't he do it?"

Mr. Gordy chuckles. "Yes, he sings but you are the main lead, Michael. Besides, he is dating Hazel."

"And I'm dating Shanelle!" I snap.

"That's what the world thinks Michael but you haven't made that official with her yet like Jermaine has made with Hazel. According to my niece anyway."

I give him a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"Just because the press labels you guys as a couple and you act like a couple doesn't automatically make you a couple Michael. You have to ask her, but back to this gaming thing or whatever. You and only you have to do this. It won't be that bad Michael."

"But...What if Shanelle gets jealous and mad at me. I don't want to upset her. I haven't told her about this yet."

"You can call her when we get in the dressing room Mike. It's just business. It will help your image. Don't worry. I'm sure she is going to understand." Mrs. De Passe cuts in sweetly.

"I hope so." I sigh.

It doesn't take me long to get ready and while people did my make up and fluffed out my Afro, Mrs. De Passe hands me a phone to call Shanelle like she  promised I could in the limo on the way here. It rings twice until her voice answers it in the formal voice she always does.

"Lewis residence."

"Hey, Nelley. It's Michael." I stay still feeling the need to introduce myself even though I'm sure she is use to my voice by now.

"Hey, Applehead. What's up?" She asks going back to her normal speaking voice.

"Nothing really. I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to be on tv today. Actually in about ten minutes."

"Really? What channel? I'm going to watch it."

I hesitate. "U-uhh. 12, I think."

"What songs are you going to perform?" She asks as I hear movement on her end.

"None actually."

"Is it like an interview?" I can tell by her voice that she is highly confused.

Here goes nothing. Please don't get angry.

"Um. No. It's...uh..the dating game show thing."

After a few seconds of silence, she finally responds with a simple, "oh."

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