13~ Michael's Heart

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•Michael POV•

She occasionally wipes the water from her body as we sat at the edge of the pool talking like we usually do. I couldn't help myself from staring down at her developing chest in amazement.

Most girls our age are just beginning their journey to adult hood while Shanelle is already ahead of the game. It's wonderful if you ask me.

"You're quiet Applehead. What are you thinking about?" I hear her sweet voice say, making me turn my head as if I wasn't just thinking devilish thoughts about her right now.

I run my fingers through my fro as I sigh away my sexual frustrations. "Just... Thinking. About anything I guess."

She lifts her towel to wipe the water now running down her chest once more causing my eyes to go straight there once again. I eyed each cloth breast carefully taking in their beauty, wishing that one day I get to see them completely naked but once again my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her voice asking me a question I didn't quite catch with my mind now imagining her whole body exposed in front of me.

When moving my eyes back to connect with her, she was already staring with a sly smirk on her face while shaking her head at me.


"I said you like something you see, Michael?"

I could sense the seduction in her voice causing  my pants to get a bit tighter.

Stupid teenage hormones.

"Y-yeah. You're bueatiful Shanelle." I stutter growing more nervous by the second as she scoots closer and closer to me.

"You are too Michael." She speaks in a low tone while grabbing my hands and placing them on her breast.

Even though I was completely confused about what was happening, I was also extremely turned on and began to gently squeeze them until she spoke again.

"Want to see more of them Michael?"

I turn my body fully to her, waiting to see the show. Guessing she took that as my answer, she slowly untied her swimsuit top and let it fall in her arms. Speechless I was. Just staring down at her now naked chest, completely in shock but extremely turned on.

After a few seconds of staring, I move closer to her, grabbing them again. As I massage them, I begin to give soft pecks on her neck and jawline as she softly pants my name......

........ that soon turns into Jackie's causing my eyes to snap open from my sleep to hear a woman's loud moans, containing mainly "Jackie" or "Jackie don't stop".

I slowly turn my head to the other bed that belong to my eldest brother to see he was at it again. 10th time during this whole tour and we are only halfway through. I mentally curse myself as I begin to think of ways to get out of the room without them even noticing since Tito, Jermaine, and Jackie always seem to bring groupies back to the hotel room and tell them how either Marlon, Randy, and I our sleep, depending on who we are roomed with.

Most times though, I am not. But this time, I was dreaming the best dream I have ever dreamt in a while, only to be interrupted by Jackie and groupie number 10 moaning so loud I'm surprise Joseph didn't hear them down the hall.

Then again, Joseph is probably working on groupie number 13 to even hear a thing.

I turn my head to see Jackie's eyes close shut as the moaning sounds turns to gagging sounds every now and again. I looked to where his hand was, guessing it was on her head because it was moving up-and-down. I really don't know what she's doing under the covers that's making him react this way but I didn't want to sit and watch the show they were putting on either. So, using this time to sneak out, I slowly rolled out of bed and crawl to the bedroom door that was surprisingly open. Once making it out of the bedroom I walk slowly to the door to get into the hallway, making sure not to make any noise.

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