14~ Growing Up

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•Shanelle POV•

"Come on! Just one more round!" Randy whines as he watched Michael and I hop of the pool to dry off.

"We have to get cleaned up now Randy. Joseph said so." Michael explains, handing me a towel.

As we begin to dry off, Randy starts to take his sweet time getting out of the pool but the sound of the pool entrance door opening, he runs towards the edge and hops out, thinking that the person was Joseph, but instead, it was just one of the boys' security checking to see if we were getting out as told. I even saw Michael jump a bit at the sound of the door which made me chuckle a bit.

I wrap the towel around me as we head out the door towards the elevator.

"You guys got two hours until we have to leave. Make sure you are presentable by then. Joseph's orders." Bill speaks pressing the 'close doors' button after pressing the blank button that will take us to the suits.

We ride in silence, Michael and I hand-in-hand, until we reach our floor. Randy took the time to scream like a hooligan down the halls towards the room he was sharing with Tito while Michael and I stop outside of my room laughing at him.

"Come to my room when you get done changing. I want to talk to you about something. Love you." He says in a low tone then pecks my lips before heading for to his room he is currently sharing with Jermaine.

I open the door to my room wondering what he could possibly want to talk about but coming to the conclusion that maybe he was just going to give me my birthday present since I was turning 14 today. Although he and the rest of the people on this tour, besides Joseph, told me happy birthday, including phone calls I received from mama, Uncle Berry, and Trisha. I know Michael like the back of my hand. He's been acting real nervous and cautious around me all day telling me he is hiding something from me.

I wonder what it is.

I take a hot shower that felt so lovely, I didn't even want to get out. After washing my hair and scrubbing down my entire body throughly, I hop out then quickly put on my outfit. I take a good look in the mirror, trying to figure out what to do with my hair but then deciding to let it air dry a bit.

Maybe I could look like Chaka Kan today.

I grab my song book that I also write my ideas in then slither my way past a napping Mrs. De Passe until I was out the door in the direction of Michael's room. I give his door three hard knocks and waited several seconds before he was opening the door smiling shyly at me.

"Come in." He says as I look him up and down walking slowly past him.

"You look good Applehead." I complement. "Even though you always look good."

I watch him blush before walking to me and pecking my lips for the millionth time today but I'm not complaining. He seems to be really fond of doing it so who am I to stop him. He can put them soft lips anywhere on my body that he wants.

"Thank you. As do you. But sit, I got something for you." He pulls me to the couch and I do as he says and sit. I watch him closely while he leaves into the bedroom then comes back seconds later holding a small box that I knew had to be jewelry. He sat so close to me that I could feel his body heat while he slowly handed me the box. "For you."

"Michael I told you that you didn't have to get me anything." I protest but he just smiles and pecks my lips once again but this time the kiss lingers a bit longer causing us to pull back a bit slow to settle the shocks that were going crazy through our bodies.

"Just open it Nelley." He finally says after staring at my lips then my eyes a few times.

I give a deep breath then slowly open the box revealing the most beautiful necklace I have ever laid my eyes upon.

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