6~ The Love You Save

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1970•Shanelle POV•

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•Shanelle POV•

"You sure you got everything you need for tonight?" My mother questions.

I go through the mental list in my head before giving her the thumbs up and off we went towards Trisha's house. It's Trisha's 12th birthday and she is having a sleepover with all of our friends which is only like 4 of us in total. It's going to be me, her, Lizzy, and Kim. Just us girls chatting it up all night which is good because I haven't gotten a chance to actually talk to them about the date I had with Michael a while back even though I see them in school everyday.

Getting to Trisha's house, all of them were already there with it being 8pm. I had to wait until my mom had a break from work so she could drop me off. They all had their sleeping bags laid out on the floor as the Ed Sullivan show played. As soon as Trisha spotted me, she ran up and gave me a huge hug and before I could wish her a happy birthday, she starts dragging me in the living room.

"Here. Put your sleeping bag by me! And hurry! Your boyfriend is about to come on!"

Once she says that, I notice how Lizzy's face becomes a bit bothered but I just brush it off. I never too much cared for Lizzy. She thinks too highly of herself for me and she is truly more Trisha's friend than mine.

This would probably be a good time to tell you that ever since that date with Michael, we have been on every cover magazine you can think of. I'm now known as Michael's little girlfriend when we are just friends. I mean, of course we both like each other a lot but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. But with all this press and exposure I'm getting, my uncle is now forcing me to be homeschooled. My mom has hired a teacher by the name of Mr. Bradson and I'm suppose to start school with him in September.

What fun.

I roll my eyes and lay my bag out in between Kim and Trisha as we stare at the TV set as Ed Sullivan introduces them. Michael wastes no time to begin singing a song they released not too long ago, "The Love You Save." I watch Michael do his dancing, completely in awe at how much he mastered James Brown's dancing style. I feel a smile appear on my face which Trisha quickly catches and the girl begin to tease me about it.

"Awwww. Look at our girl admiring her man." She coos dramatically as I roll my eyes.

"Oooooo. Looks like someone is in love." Kim adds making them burst into fits of giggles.

After a few seconds of admiring their performance, Lizzy adds, "Michael is just gorgeous. You're so lucky you have him because that would have been mine." I give her a look as she smirks devilish at me. "Don't mess it up because I can still make that happen."

"What ever. I'm not going to mess anything up and he is mine." I mumble back a little frustrated and not in the mood for her foolishness today.

"You really think that? All them cities they be going to, you think he hasn't flirted with another girl behind your back. I've heard stories about his brothers you know." She stands up and places a hand on her hip thinking she just won the argument.

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