33~ He's Back From The Past

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•Michael's POV•

"I still think we are wasting our time with this, Michael." Jackie exposes, picking his fro in his portable mirror. "Joseph has the CBS contracts ready for us to sign back home. Why drive all the way to Berry just to hear the same shit he's been telling us since 'I Want You Back'?"

"I'm with Jackie on this one, Mike." Randy cuts in before I can even open my mouth to respond. "I mean, you said it yourself. We should be doing more with our careers. Hell, we are one of the biggest selling groups in the industry right now. We should be with a set of people who is gonna' push us forward, not keep us back."

"But Motown has been there since day one." I clap back quickly before anyone else could cut in with their opinion. "The least we can do is try to reason with them. Who knows, maybe he will listen this time."

"And what makes this time any different?" Marlon quizzes with a brow raised in my direction. "We've been rapping to him about this same issue for how long now and it still hasn't worked out in our favor. CBS is offering us a deal we can't pass up, Michael."

"I'm not saying we pass it up. I'm just saying we should try to work it out with Motown first. They might work with us, you don't know if you don't try."

All four of my brothers look at me as if I had lost my mind, showing my soul no mercy as they stared daggers into it.

"If only Jermaine were here, he would agree with me." I huff in annoyance.

"Only because he's banging the daughter of the devil himself." Jackie mumbles then chokes up a deep laugh when Tito mutters back to him, "And Michael banging the niece."

"Yeah, no wonder why he wants to stay with Motown. Doesn't want to hurt his little girlfriend's feelings by leaving." Randy teases, reaching to pinch my cheeks for effect but gets his hands slapped away by me before he could even reach my skin.

"Me and Shanelle's relationship has nothing to do with our business with Motown. Besides, if it did, we would've left Motown years ago, around the same time she cut off her uncle and the company."

Tito shakes his head at my statement, "Michael, we are wasting our time talking to Gordy, brother. Why can't you see that?"

"If you call exploring our options like good business men do wasting our time then let the time be wasted." They all let out a defeated sigh as I continue, "I'm not signing anything until I speak with Mr. Gordy first about his terms."

"You're wasting your time." Jackie emphasizes yet again and maybe I was.

Being inside Mr. Gordy's packed but spacious study after all these years didn't truly help the nerves I felt when we were all sitting silently in front of him, patiently waiting for his discussion on the phone to end. The last time I stepped foot in here, I was just approaching my 12th birthday, breaking off from my brothers to listen to the records he had or read his thick books that were placed alphabetically on the shelves around the room. He would allow my entry every time, I would sit in a small corner and be in my own little world as he worked at this huge desk that he is lounging at now, scattered papers all around him.

My leg gets a small nudge from Marlon when Mr. Gordy ends his call, eyes locked in on us waiting for us to explain why we are here. Looking at all my brother's first, I take it upon myself to speak for us since they all sat as if they weren't going to say a word this whole meeting.

"Mr. Gordy, we just want to speak with you about our contract." I start and continue when he signals for me to do so. "We understand that it's getting close to its expiration date and we would like to go over the terms with you again so that we know what we are signing."

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