11~ Reach Out and Touch My Hand

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•Shanelle POV•

After the disaster Michael had with Lizzy, I didn't see him at all after that with him going out of town for an award show that I watched on TV, only to see Michael of course, wishing I could be there as his date like the other famous people were doing. He called me every night like usual, still apologizing for what happened and although I'm a bit upset that I wasn't his first kiss I'm over it because after all that happened, Michael is still mine. Something Lizzy can never take from me if she tried.

Besides all of that, today is a day of Miss Ross's show and I've been quite excited for it. I get to see my cousin Hazel again for she was accompanying Jermaine tonight and Michael has even told me Marlon asked Trisha to tend as well so I just know I'm in for a good night. He also told me that he and all of his family will be attending, of course, along with many other well-known people, so, technically Trisha and I will be the only non famous people there, minus Miss Ross's crew of course.

I'm excited and a bit nervous since this will be my first show I've ever seen that isn't Michael plus the crowd will be filled with somebody's while I am just a nobody. Just known as the girl who is dating Michael, which a few amount of his fans really don't like. They even express their feelings through letters they send me that Michael just tells me to throw away. I'm also nervous because tonight my mother has gone all out with my outfit. I'll be wearing this black sparkly dress and heels, a shoe that I can barely even walk in.

I hope I don't fall flat on my face tonight.

She had just put the finishing touches on my make up along with Trisha's mother finishing hers when the doorbell rings. My mother gets the door and allows for the two handsome boys we call our dates to walk in, both holding flowers in their hands, as well as for allowing in Hazel and Mrs. Jackson who just came in to say hi to my mother. Immediately my eyes connect to Michael who was dressed in a light blue shirt with everything else black, just like Marlon's. Only difference being, Michael makes the outfit look 20 times better.

 Only difference being, Michael makes the outfit look 20 times better

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"Well don't you boys look handsome." Trisha's mother coos as they both blush at her compliment.

After a few seconds Michael walks up to me, handing me the beautiful flowers and plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I've missed you." He whispers because now the eyes were on us for some reason.

"I missed you way more." I whisper back making him smile so big I thought his cheekbones were going to break.

As Marlon's copies Michael's previous actions with Trisha, my mother races upstairs for her camera to take pictures, giving the other two mothers time to get there's ready.

"You look good Applehead." I complement fixing his crooked tie.

Looking real good I must say.

Michael copies my look that I thought I discreetly gave him but making his a bit longer. "But Nelley, you look 1000 times better. You're so beautiful; words can't even describe how stunning you look tonight."

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