23~ Dreams Becoming True

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•Michael POV•

We eye the busy crowd as they chatted amongst themselves to pass time for when the concert would begin. I had practically shook hands with every celebrity who I knew or who knew of me and was now occupying my hand with Shanelle's, smoothly running my thumb across her smooth skin. I glanced over at her, seeing her curious eyes roam the many faces around us with an excited smile plastered onto her glossed lips.

Today is a day I've been planning for almost a week now. A day where it is just Shanelle and I to reconnect with each other in every way possible. With me being on tour meaning I'm getting pulled in every direction and with Mr. Gordy doing nightly check ups in the middle of the night on me and my brothers, we had to put a hold on our midnight talks. Today being the only day we've had to ourselves in so long, I just had to make it special.

We started the day with breakfast in the hotel since going to a casual restaurant to eat will start too much chaos. She even gave me a present which was these sneakers I drooled over in Tokyo and a personalized notebook to write down anything that would be on my mind in the future. After breakfast and a few make out sessions later, I took her sight seeing around the city of Philadelphia, with Bill of course. He even allowed us to walk through a park together to chat about everything under the sun until we got bombarded by fans and had to make a quick exit out of there. But all in all we be been having such a great time today and I never want it to end.

I found myself examining every detail of her face until moving down to her neck, spotting the red love bite I created before coming here that she tried her absolute best to cover up before coming here. I reach out with a smile a graze my fingers on it slowly to get her attention then I reach down and touch the glistening promise ring I gave her a while back, hanging proudly upon her neck like it always is. I look down at her wanting lips and without any chance for second thoughts, I peck her lips softly, wanting to so badly deepen it but we had too many eyes on us already, not to mention cameras.

"I love you." I mumble against her lips.

This now being her turn to smile at me, she blushes hard but nonetheless responds back sweetly as ever, "I love you too, Applehead."

As I go in for a second peck, I hear a familiar voice in my ear say jokingly, "Alright now. We don't want no little Michael's running around at this age do we?" I let out a breathless giggle, turning to face the living legend himself, Richard Pryor, who I met during a similar time like this a while back but at one of his stand up shows backstage instead. "Ah, and there's the pretty lady I've been hearing so much about." He smiles at Shanelle who shyly smiles back, shaking his hand once he holds his out for greetings. "I heard you have a brain of a genius when it comes to music. Heard you worked with a couple of the best entertainers in the industry, one of them sitting right here beside you."

I can't help but to blush at that comment while Shanelle looks to me then back to Richard with that same shy smile dripping from her lips.

"I'm no genius. I just write what I feel." She humbly dismisses his compliment only making his smile grow wider.

Mine as well.

He looks at me with eyes that said 'hold on to this one' before turning back to Shanelle to fire back, "And that's what's genius about all of it." Just then, over the loud and busy crowd, we here his name being called by a young woman, waving her arms around to get his attention. "And there goes my wife. Hey man, you going to the after party right?" I nod my head to confirm my intentions in showing my face at this said party but only for a little while and to get Shanelle out there to meet some potential artists in need of her songs since her name has been buzzing around the industry lately about them. "I'm gonna' catch you at that thing then man. I got to rap with you a bit." He tells me and I nod my head while saying, "Okay. I'll look for you then."

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