18~ Real Date

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A/N: I just want to thank you guys for the 1k reads!!🥳😭😭 For me to have this book deleted at 1k reads and gain it all back means so much to me so thank you guys so much!

I also have many many many Michael Fanfics on the way and i am actively working on my next one to release after this series right now! I'll release the cover to you guys soon! 😇


•Michael POV•

"That's it boys. Let's call it a day." Mr. Gordy says over the intercom making us quickly put our headphones on the mics we were using and exit the booth in an orderly fashion.

As my brothers start to joke around by the mixing boards, I grab my jacket and head towards Bill after seeing it was now 12:21pm. With California traffic and it being rush hour, I know I'm going to be sitting in this car for at least 20 minutes or even 30 instead of the usual 10.

During the car ride, I couldn't stop worrying about this date I've set up for Shanelle. With it being our first official date that I actually set up, everything has to be perfect. I called mother a total of four times during our session to make sure my surprise was just the way I want it to be. This night needs to be special. She has to feel special.

I pull up to her house about 15 minutes late and jog up to the door before ringing the bell. Only a few seconds later the door swings open revealing the love of my life, dressed in this black top that showcased her smooth stomach and her blue jean bell bottoms that complimented her developing curves nicely with her hair in a ponytail but the ends of her hair were curled. I could tell she had on a little make up even though she doesn't need it but what ever makes her happy, I'm all for it.

She glared at me then pointed to the clock behind her while saying, "You said 1pm, Michael. It's almost 1:20."

"I know, I'm sorry." I quickly respond and before I could ramble on about how bad the traffic was, she giggles before closing and locking her door.

When finished, she pecks my lips softly then wipes the lipgloss smudges she made while saying, "I'm only kidding, Michael. Take it easy."

I giggle a bit while grabbing her hand and leading her to the car where Bill awaits. During the car ride to my place, we mainly talked about some movie she watched earlier and my early morning session with my brothers which kept her mind off of the surprise, thankfully, but that all soon changed when we pulling into the gates of my home that had pictures of us lined up and down the driveway with heart shaped rose frames around them, the picture the paparazzi took of us from our first date mother set up being the last one she sees since I know that's her favorite of them all. Without a word, I pull her speechless body out of the car and led her around the driveway a bit so she could take a good look at all of the pictures before leading her to the meal I have waiting for us.

"Where are we going, Michael?" She asks nervously as we pass the pool, on route to the many trees we have in our backyard.

Without answering her question, I continued to walk with her hand in mine, smiling from cheek to cheek which only grew bigger when we finally got to the destination.

I stare at the white roses planted on the grass alongside the blanket I planned to have our picnic on before shifting my eyes to Shanelle who had her hand on her mouth as tears slowly rolled down her slightly chubby cheeks.

I quickly start wiping away every tear I see while questioning with genuine concern, "Are you okay? I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Michael." She chuckles as I flash her sweet grin. "You did all of this for me?"

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