19~ Michael Meets Tyrone

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•Michael POV•

I wake up pretty early to the sounds of the birds chirping from my cracked window and smile. Today is the day for Marlon and I to finally hang with Shanelle and Trisha liked promised and I can't help but to feel excited. With my brothers and I working on our new album and such, I truly haven't hung out with Shanelle since the theater date besides school, which really doesn't count, and I miss her like crazy. Just being able to talk to her about anything besides school work will be a breath of fresh air for me, honestly.

But my smile doesn't last long with Marlon storming through my door unapologetically. "Aye, Michael. You up?"

"Knock much Marlon." I grit back annoyed for he and the rest of my siblings always barge into my room for no reason at all.

He rolls his eyes like he always does when I'm about to chew him a big one and fires back, "Trisha just called and said her mother just left so let's start getting ready to go get Shanelle. We should head over there before the kids in their neighborhood wakes up so it won't be a frenzy walking to Trisha's. Bill knows he's just dropping us off at her house then coming to get us later on, right?"

I hum my answer as I slid out of my bed heading straight for the bathroom. I do my morning routine, humming a little melody that popped into my during my shower, then head straight for the door when finished along with Marlon shouting obnoxiously for me to hurry up even though the rest of our family is still sleeping.

"Will you hush!" I hiss quietly coming down the steps. "Joseph will hear you!"

"And?" He grumbles back rolling his eyes causing me to do the same.

"Okay, when he comes down here with his belt saying we can't go anymore, I'm blaming that on you."

I walk past him out the front door and hop into the car with a groggily Bill. In no time, we were off down the road, on route to Shanelle's.

"Michael. Here." I hear Marlon whisper in my ear, shoving something into my pocket quickly. He cut his eyes to Bill making me do the same catching on quickly. When he casts his eyes back on the road, I reach slowly in my pocket, pulling out the item he placed there just a bit to see what it was before quickly shoving it back, feeling my face heat up in a flash.

"I don't think I need this Marlon." I whisper back to him.

He looks me upside my head before leaning in and replying with, "Of course you do. We are going to be alone with girls we have a strong attraction for mostly the whole day. You can't tell me something won't happen. I know how you and Shanelle be getting down Mike."

"What do you mean? What do we be doing?" I ask genuinely confused but that just earns me another crazy look causing me to shrug my shoulders. "What about you? Don't you need one too?"

He slowly pulls out his condom for me to see before shoving it back into his pocket just as Bill comes to a complete stop. I turn my head and see Shanelle rise from her steps, looking at our car with a bright smile that made me give a cheeky grin in return. We quickly hop and tell Bill that we will ring him when we are ready then we watch him pull off into the street until he and the car disappears. Marlon choosing to stay behind, I walk up to her, giving her a hug and pecks on the lips only since Marlon was watching my every move it seemed.

"Morning baby." I mumble onto her lips and watch her visibly shudder.

She pecks my lips one more time before saying, "Good morning, Applehead."

I give her a sweet smile but instantly roll my eyes when Marlon cuts in, "Okay, I want some loving too so can y'all come on and get going."

Shanelle chuckles while I glare at him as she leads us down the street and turns us down a couple of streets until we were outside Trisha's door, giving it three solid knocks.

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