34~ Bumps In The Road

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Shanelle was feeling quite restless as she scanned the many records before her, in search of his favorites that she knew he didn't quite have just yet. After her long and dreadful hours spent in a room filled with prejudice and hypocritical men, she began her plan on surprising Michael tomorrow for it was finally her first day off in a while and she didn't want him feeling as though she'd forgot about him, with them barely spending time together. They have been trying out ways to get around their busy schedules, him sneaking in at her house in the middle of the night to hold her or her sneaking into his house in the middle of the night to be held, but nothing permanently prevailed and although hearing his voice through the phone helped her mind ease on nights he or she was able to call instead of the routine creep, it could never really quench the desire the pair had shared of spending real time together like a normal couple.

As her eyes scanned the disco section of the store, she felt other eyes on her from every direction it seemed. She's gotten sort of use to it, glancing up to catch their eyes for a brief second, intelligently knowing how to not draw much attention to herself and those around her watching her every move. She even glanced over to Frank and Rodney who stood tall by the exit, keeping a close eye on the people around the crowded store as well while Ezekiel finally entered the crazy store after having a very much heated conversation with Atlantic Records about her terms and rights within their company. The stack of records she held tightly in her left palm began to feel a bit heavy after the tenth record she picked up and with her now adding three more to the pile she forces herself to pay for the items finally to give her weak arm mercy.

The walk to the register was like a maze game considering the amount of people who stood in her way just to get a bit closer to her and while the cashier rang her out, she starts to blush at the sight of Ezekiel jokingly holding up her magazine cover she recently did with Right On!, placing it on the counter as if he was going to buy it.

"Ah, I knew that was you." She heard the cashier mutter to her. "Hey, aren't you with the lead singer of that boy group? Them colored brothers."

"The Jackson 5." She corrects the old white gentlemen in front of her, visibly cringing at his word choice. "And yes. Can I have a bag please?"

"Sure thing, little lady." Was the response she was given as he looked at everyone around them staring and smiling their way. "You must be a big deal with writing them songs and junk. All these kids here must really love ya'."

"Have you heard some of her work?" Ezekiel cuts in before Shanelle had a chance to, grabbing the bag full of the records when the older man hands it to them. "She's phenomenal."

"I've heard about all of your work, thanks to my daughter. She's listens to every song you write no matter the artist, a true fan. Her and her little friends that is."

"How old is she?" Ezekiel was next to ask, smirking at Shanelle's flattering blush.

"She will be 12 in the next month or so." Said the man, side glancing the group of boys rough housing in the soul section of the store.

Shanelle cracks a smile at the sound of that and murmured politely to him, "Did you want me to sign the magazine to give to her? You know..like a birthday present from me to her?"

"Oh no! You don't have to do that. Honest. Me telling her you were here in my store is enough for her to go nuts." Was the man's next response, chuckling a bit at the end but Shanelle quickly insisted on signing it, Ezekiel passing her a pen when signaled to.

She scribbles her name in the formation she had memorized so well she could do the lettering identical with her left hand. When finished, she slides the magazine over to the man who was smiling as hard as his cheeks would allow for him to, trying his best to remain calm, as well as the money she owed for the records she had picked out. After bidding goodbyes to the older man, she makes her way past the curious stares and excited whispers, out onto the front of the store with Ezekiel signaling for Rodney and Frank to fetch the car for them to finally leave.

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