22~ Feelings Never Felt Before

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"When are you going to let her know that you are using her song for the boys? I think she will be happy to know." Susanne De Passe questions Berry Gordy after going over the minor tweaks they put together for the song.

"She already knows." He lies.

"Really?" Susanne frowns. "But she seemed clueless to me about it when I told her this last night."

Berry's head snapped up so fast that she was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "You told her? Who in the hell told you to do that?"

"Nobody." Susanne shrugs. "But now I know she truly doesn't know. Why are you keeping this from her?"

He doesn't respond at first for he was now calming his rapid heart from the fear of his whole money scheme being ruined. He knew his days with the boys wouldn't last forever with them pushing for more creative leeway that Berry just couldn't grant them even though, his creative ideas for the boys were running slim. Well that was until Susanne brought him this song of course. A song that could put up the front as if he still got ideas under his sleeve when truly, he didn't know what he was going to do after it releases.

When he is calm enough, he response while signing 'Written By: Berry Gordy' at the top of his nieces song title, "I'll tell her before we go record it. I promise."

Although he knew he will never in his life, let it be known that he was stealing work from his 14 year old niece to help put food on the table. That was admitting to something he truly didn't believe was true. Something like, it being time for him to retire or Shanelle will just take his spotlight out from under him with her being such a child prodigy and all.

Something he couldn't let happen.

•Shanelle's POV•

"You cheater!" I hear Randy screech out loud and proud at Marlon who was seen speeding towards his frantic baby brother under water while Michael stood off to the side laughing at the whole scene.

"Look at him go. Ahh, swim faster Randall." My Uncle chuckles causing a few laughs to drip accordingly from my lips as well. "Marlon can swim fast, can't he?"

"Mhm." I hum in a quiet response although my mind was now snatched elsewhere.

Michael stood not too far from me, wet from the salty water and shirtless, as the sun beamed down on him beautifully, allowing for his melanin to pop in every beautiful way. His shorts hung low off his hips a bit just like his pajama pants that one night and every time he laughed, his stomach would flex, showcasing his abs effortlessly. I eye every bit of him as he lets out more laughter once Marlon finally catches Randy and tosses the screaming child further into the ocean before starting the chase again. While he is enjoying the chaos in front of him though, I watch as he discretely adjusts himself in his trunks which made me immediately cross my legs for just the mere thought of him now got me excited.

Guessing he felt eyes glued on him, he looks directly into my lust filled hungry eyes and flashes me a wink which instantly makes me blush.

We've been moving along since his break down in Tokyo and the boys even got some "days off" added because of the whole thing. Uncle Berry even flew in to keep a close eye on them he says, but I think it's to continue to work on their album when they aren't out performing since that's what they've been doing since he got here.

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