Prologue for Book 2

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A/N: Hey guys! 🥴 Did you miss me?? If you did , don't worry, I'm already beginning Book 2 to release it soon so the wait won't be tremendously long. But here you're going to read part of a chapter from book 2 to get you guys prepared for the book and the character's changes!

This chapter will be more detailed and thought out in Book 2 since you will have more of a back story when this scene actually come up so don't worry!


~Shanelle POV~

I had spent the whole night clapping and smiling along with everyone else that surrounded me as my eyes would occasionally drift over to the seat diagonal to my left where he sat. He hadn't noticed me at all but I had noticed him the moment he showed up, brightening the room just by his presence alone. He was accompanied by Quincy Jones, who sat in front of me, along with a white girl I'm sure I've seen somewhere before who sat to the left of him.

Besides the magazines and the tv, I hadn't seen him at all since what had happened. Since then, I had moved on with my life like I forced myself to do, busing myself with work on top of work to hide how broken and lonely I felt without him, accomplishing things that I never saw myself ever achieving. I was now 22 years old and was modeling, acting, and even had a make up line out, which was selling out faster each month I release something. He had tried to reach out to me plenty of times through the first horrible year, letters and phone calls before I changed my number, congratulating me on each success he would see but never did I reply back. Eventually he got the idea, showing up in public with all these different girls that kept him smiling and laughing as the cameras flashed away.

He had grown a few inches taller it seemed, standing at about 5'10 instead of the 5'8 I saw him last, and he was no longer rocking the fro like before, hair pressed and oiled to perfection. He was dressed down in what looked like a casual suit from behind until seeing him from the front. His shirt bedazzled in all of the lights along with the stripe on his black pants, a style not many could pull off, but he. He looked a bit more manlier in the face, not too much but enough to know he was a man and not Little Michael anymore, and held that same slim figure like I've always known him to have.

He seemed to be the star of the night for his new album, Off The Wall, won two awards already tonight and I'm sure he is in for another one. My last letter from Michael was actually the day it released, politely asking me to listen to a song he called She's Out Of My Life. I then found myself listening to the whole album nonstop for the past week until putting it up and forgetting it ever existed.

"When do you gotta' head back there, baby?" Tyrone quizzes in my ear huskily causing my eyes to move from Michael's back and land on him innocently, unconsciously tensing when I feel his touch on my thigh.

"Right now actually." I say, hearing them present The Commodores as the winners of Favorite R&B group.

"Okay, good luck baby." He tells me, kissing me tenderly before allowing me to nod and scurry off backstage.

It was when I was almost to the exit door to go back stage where I felt eyes on my backside but with me having to duck and dodge cameras in the dark while everyone listened to The Commodores 'thank your speech, I brushed it past me, thinking it could be anyone, and continued to hustle out. I made it just in time, getting touched up by stylists left and right and soon enough I was walking on stage alongside legendary Chuck Berry as applause took over the crowd yet again.

"Before we continue.." I start just like rehearsed, leaning into the mic a bit so they could hear me clearer. "I just want to say how much of an honor this is for me to be presenting this award with you Mr. Berry. It truly is."

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