29~ Meant To Be

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•Michael's POV•

"It's like she just disappeared. Like, vanished from the earth or something." I vent to Marlon who just sat beside me, not paying me no mind at all.

I wouldn't even be all up in his ear about about any of this but for the pass couple of days, it's been weighing heavy on my mind. Shanelle left the tour that day we all found out about Mr. Gordy stealing her song and I haven't spoken a word to her since. It's like as soon as she cut Mr. Gordy off, she cut ties with me and my brothers as well and I can't understand why. I've been calling her non stop whenever I can but I usually either get her mom who always tells me Shanelle isn't home or the voicemail machine.

Even with Shanelle missing in action from the tour, he hasn't been acting differently, personality wise, which isn't much of a shocker if you ask me. He doesn't feel as though what he did was wrong. I heard him admit to that when discussing these things with Mrs. De Passe and Joseph. And seeing as though we have a deadline for the album, we still had to record the song since without it we would be a song short for the album. So, we all had to suck it up and sing the melodies and metaphors of my babygirl as the thief produced us as if he was still trying to pretend the song was his like before.

"Maybe she is just busy, Michael." Marlon replies back, monotoned.

He sat, leaning slightly in his chair, scrolling through some Teen magazine with his feet up.

I roll my eyes at his nonchalant attitude. "You know that ain't it, Marlon."

"She's upset. I get it." Marlon snaps back, sighing as he puts down his magazine while connecting his eyes with mine. "I mean wouldn't you be? Her uncle, a guy who practically raised her like a daughter, stole from her and played her like a guitar behind her back while doing it. Hell, I wouldn't want to talk either. Just leave her be Mike. She ain't done with you yet, trust me brother."

"He said that to me before."

His eyebrows scrunch in confusion."Who?"

"Berry." I answer and instantly watch him roll his eyes. "He told me that a while back when Shanelle and I hit our first bump in our relationship. He's always been so supportive. Like a father to the both of us.!how could he just up and do this to Shanelle and feel no remorse by it?"

"Okay, look." He starts, moving from his once comfortable position in his chair to grant me more of his attention. "She isn't mad us, Michael. She just needs some well needed space. I mean, can you blame her? Just put yourself in her shoes. You just said it yourself. He's like a father to her."

"I'm trying." I sigh. "I just want to hear her voice tell me she's okay. She shouldn't have to close herself off when I'm here."

Marlon nods as if understanding my pain. "But she is fine, Michael. Trisha told me so."

"Trisha?" I squeak, unable to shade the hurt that ambushed my body. "She's opened up to Trisha about this instead of me?"

Marlon doesn't say anything right away, he just lets out a sigh and returns to his previous position, picking up his magazine to the place he left off as if telling me he was done with this whole conversation. "You're too sensitive for your own good, Mike." He then mumbles but I don't answer him back.

I was too busy swarming thoughts into my brain that only upset me more. I couldn't wrap my head around Shanelle's logic in a time like this. She needed me. We both knew how much she needed me to be there for her but she insists on keep this unreasonable distance. If I have to, I would be on the next flight back home to make sure she is okay and make sure she isn't going through this pain alone. Yeah she's at home with her mom and Trisha but she opens up to me more than the two of them and I know that there are some things she's keeping within herself that she just need to let out.

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