3~ Falling Hard

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•Shanelle's POV•

I wake up and smile at the Michael picture I posted on my ceiling after removing Marlon's along with the other ones I had of him in my room. My mind wandered to the kiss on the cheek he gave me and I couldn't help but to smile even bigger. My crush kissed me. Michael Jackson kissed me!

I get up and get myself together because I was planning on heading to my friend Trisha's because her mother wants to take us to the mall.

Me and Trisha have been friends since kindergarten. We became friends after finding out we share the same interests in music and movies but everyone knows we are the complete opposite. She had her first kiss on the lips in the beginning of second grade and her first kiss with tongue in the beginning of fourth grade with her ex Jaymes who was a sixth grader at the time while I am so amped about a kiss on the cheek and I'm heading to the sixth grade this year.

Once getting downstairs I find a letter from my mom saying she had to leave earlier than expected and won't be back until tonight. She left me about $100 and told me to buy some more outfits with it.

I was about to fix me a bowl of cereal when I hear car horn outside. I look at the clock they read 11:32 AM. Dang it. I rush outside and lock the door behind me. Once getting in the car, Trisha gives me a hug as her mother pulls off.

"I haven't seen you in years!" She claims and I just roll my eyes.

"It's been one day Trisha."

"Same thing!" She waves me off. "Hows your weekend going so far?"

"Great actually. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I got to go to the studio with my uncle last week which was fun."

"Really!" She squeals excitedly. "Did you meet anyone famous?!?"

I look forward at her mom who was singing along to Lonely Teardrops by Jackie Wilson.

I lean in and say in a low tone, "You can't tell anyone okay?" I give her a stern look and she nods her head. I hold up my pinky and she does the same, locking hers with mine. "I met... ummm... The Jackson five."

"No way!" She yells gaining a 'what the heck' expression from me and a pointed look from her mother.

"Sorry. Sorry. But was Michael cute or what?" I smile thinking about yesterday again. "Oh wait, or should I say Marlon." She coos.

"I don't really like Marlon that much anymore." I shrug. "He was okay to meet I guess."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Am I hearing you right? Are you divorcing your future husband?" I nod. "For who?"

I lean in and whisper in her ear, "Michael."


"Trisha Beverly Jones! If you don't stop yelling in my car, so help me god we will turn this car around and you won't be getting nothing!" Her mother screams from the front making me hold in my laughter.

"Yes ma'am." Trisha forces out before returning her attention back to me. "What happened to him being so young? I thought you said that was gross?"

"Well now I say that age is just a number. Besides, meeting him was just....wow....he was nice and funny and-"

"Cute. Let's not forget how amazingly gorgeous that boy is." Trisha sighing dramatically.

"Yes and that." I chuckle. "But he was just so sweet. I hung out with him at his house yesterday too. He introduced me to all of his pets, then we went and played in the pool with Janet, Marlon, and Randy for hours. It was so much fun."

When We Were Younger... (Book One) (MJ Fan Fic) Where stories live. Discover now