8~ Is It Official?

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•Shanelle POV•

I had to wait until my mom finished her morning appointments to head to Michael's for his family day celebration. I thought that it would be a good idea to go in my two piece and put clothes over it along with bringing an extra outfit like Michael insisted. When we get there, Michael, Marlon, Janet, Randy and their cousins were all out playing in the pool with each other. At the sight of me, some of his cousins and Marlon eyed me down. As for Michael, he was busy chasing Randy around the pool to even notice my presence.

That's until Tito shouts over the music, "Hey, Mike! Your girlfriend is here!"

As Katherine took my mother to introduce her to their family, Michael became present in my face, drying off with a towel. Glad he didn't lose those abs of his. Now I have something to look at.

"Glad you could make it." He says casually while placing the towel around his shoulders.

I take my eyes off his six pack and lock them with his beautiful brown orbs he calls eyes. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

He looks down at my clothes for a second. "Here. We can put those in my room."

He grabs my hand and leads me through the house into his room. I wave to his rats who were squeaking like crazy and eyed his snake then his spiders before placing my clothes on his bed.

Before I can head out the room back down to the party, Michael steps in my ways handing me a towel I believe he got out of nowhere since I didn't see him leave the room.

"You can change into your swimsuit up here. You can use this towel if you want." He informs me, handing over the black towel he held in his hands.

"Thanks but I don't need to change." I start taking off my clothes to reveal my swimsuit then I wrap the towel around my waist.

I look back up at Michael who was now staring at nothing but my chest while biting his lip. I guess he noticed my changes. I'm only 13 but I began to develop around my 12th birthday. I guess he really didn't notice until now.

I snap my fingers at him a few times which makes him look up at me then blush hard towards the ground. I roll my eyes playfully and grab his hand, heading back to the pool. When we get out there, I take my towel off and place it on one of the chairs next to Michael's. When I turn around, I see Marlon and their cousin, who seemed to be around our age, staring at me the same way Michael was earlier. Boys.

"Last on in the pool is a rotten apple!" Michael yells as we dart off towards the pool.

He wins of course and we all decide to play Marco Polo. Playing this game brought back memories of Marlon and I a while back that almost made me lose Michael's friendship so I did my best to keep my distance from him which was easier said than done considering when it was Michael's turn, all he and his cousin did was follow me around the pool like a couple of weirdos. But it was now Marlon's turn and he was so focused on Janet and Randy who kept screaming as if they were apart of a horror film to worry about me.

I sat in the corner to catch my breath from all this swimming when I suddenly feel hands on my legs. I look down quickly and spot Michael underwater in front of me.

When did he get there?

My heart begins to boom at a rapid pace in my chest when he begins to move his hands from my legs to my thighs and when I feel his hands continue to slowly slide up, I pull him up by his fro.

"Took you long enough. I wanted to see how far you would let me touch you before you stopped me." He says to me in this low tone as he wipes his face from the water.

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