4~ Whos Lovin You

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A/n: Short chapter but enjoy!

•Shanelle POV•

Today is the day of the Ed Sullivan show and I was backstage watching the boys get ready. They all had their costumes on and we're getting make up on their faces. While Marlon kept staring at me, I focused on solely Michael. He was looking so cute in his outfit I just wanted to die!

"Michael, here." Mrs. De Passe says, handing him a purplish pink hat.

He put it on and walks over to me with the cutest smile of all smiles. "How do I look?" He did a 360 to give me a full view then flexed muscles like a bodybuilder.

I laugh at his silliness while standing up and becoming face-to-face with him. Well, we weren't really leveled with him being a whole 2 inches taller than me. I looked him up and down then titled his hat to the side a bit in the way I've seen David Ruffin do you thousand times. "There. Now you look like a superstar."

"Well, aren't you two the cutest things." I hear someone coo behind me making me turn around.

There stood the beautiful most wonderful Diana Ross aka Michael's huge celebrity crush. I look at him for his reaction but he just blushes towards the ground.

I guess he is sort of use to seeing her with her discovering them and all.

"Thank you." I politely say to her and she then gives me hug as well as for Michael and his brothers.

I turn my attention back to Michael just to see him smiling at me making me giggle. He reaches for my hand and held it gently until my Uncle tells me it's time to go take our seats. I wish him good luck and off I went hand-in-hand with my Uncle towards the front row, excited to see the show.

I just know Michael and his brothers are going to be fantastic!

•Michael POV•

I watch as Shanelle leaves the room, cheesing hard to myself.

God, she is so pretty!

"Aww. Michael got a crush." Jackie coos as the rest of my brothers laugh.

"What ever." I mumble plopping hard on the couch next to Janet as she plays with her dolls.

"You going to date her Mike?" Jermaine asks, picking out his Afro in the mirror.

I shrug in response.

"If you don't. I'm for sure going to take her. She wants me anyways." Marlon adds a bit cocky which triggers my anger a bit, images of him and her in the pool the other day flashing through my mind.

"Shut up Marlon. She likes me. Not you." I snap.

"Yeah Marlon. Don't you have any respect for his little girlfriend." Jackie coos again as my brothers playfully nudge me.

"Boys. Focus. We got a show to put on." Joseph snaps and they immediately stop and continue preparing themselves for the show.

This is a time where I need to be focused but all I could do was think about Shanelle. The way she talked to the way she walked made me want to fall to her feet and cater to her needs. She smells so sweet all the time and not to mention how beautiful of a person she is, in and out. I liked her from the moment I saw her. Now spending more time with her I couldn't find myself to stay away from her. I can't spend a second of the day without missing her and her lovely voice.

So, Marlon back off!

"Alright boys! It's showtime!" Mrs. De Passe tells us and just like that, we head out of the room, one by one.

On stage I search through the crowd for Shanelle, spotting her sitting with Mr. Gordy in the front row while in the middle of a medley. When it was time to sing "Who's Loving You" I found myself not being able to keep my eyes off for her. As the piano started, all I could think about was her. When our eyes connect, she smiles that big gorgeous smile at me making me get butterflies in my stomach that I'm not use to getting.

"I wanna tell you a story about a girl I met in school one day, during sandbox." I say to the crowd as my brothers do their scripted reactions. "And we toasted our love during milk break." During my brother's reactions, I was fixing to say the other line but my eyes met Shanelle's once again and I completely froze. She being so beautiful to look at is all I could think of. "What's the next line?!" I say over and over in my head. I had to break our stare for a bit then as if on cue the line came instantly in my head. Thank god! "I gave her my cookies! So we fell out during finger painting. But one day, and that was Monday, I stepped up to her and I said.."

I begin to sing the song as my eyes unconsciously fall back on hers. I want her to know how much I like her. I never had a girlfriend but what I do know is that I like her a lot. The same as how much she likes me and I just want to show her that. I hope she knows I'm singing this song to her. My beautiful Shanelle. I hope one day you will be mine. Forever.

•Shanelle POV•

As he sings, his eyes never leave mine just like when I first heard him sing this song in the studio and I suddenly feel as if it was just me and him. I can't help but to think that when he is staring at me, he is singing to me as if this song was for me.

Maybe is just me overthinking things.

God, he is so gorgeous!

He sings it so beautifully that I actually tear up when he hits the falsetto note close to the end. After he was done, the boy get instructed to sing their single "I Want You Back". The crowd begins to dance to the familiar song and sing along with them then when the song is over, they treat the boys with a standing ovation while they were led back stage.

My uncle is now smiling as hard as me when we reach backstage to congratulate them on a good performance. Before we can even make it to the room though, we hear someone screaming swears from the top of their lungs making my uncle grip my hand tighter.

As we approach the door, I recognize the voice to be coming from Joseph, Michael's father.

"I told you to fucking focus before you got on that damn stage! You stood there like a fucking dumb ass and forgot the lines! Michael, when we get home I swear to Jehovah himself I'm g-"

He was stopped by my uncle barging into the room, not really wanting the yelling to continue and neither did I. We walk in and my uncle starts congratulating the boys on a great show then asks to speak to Joseph in private. Once they disappear to the hallway, closing the door behind them, I stare over at a silently crying Michael, playing with his fingers in his lap. I walk over and sit by him, putting my arms around him, bringing him into a comforting hug.

"It's okay. You did great. I don't care what Joseph says. You did amazing." I softly confess to him over his light sniffles.

"Thanks." He managed to say wiping his tears away.

I titled his head up and instantly catch sight of the pain and hurt in his eyes that I've never seen before. Michael is always so happy and full of energy and now he seems to be drained. I almost want to cry myself.

"Michael stop crying please. You gone make me cry boy."

"I don't want you to cry Shanelle. You're too pretty to." He admits caressing my cheek with his warm soft hand.

Just then my uncle walks back in trying to hide the fact that he is angry, telling me it's time to go. Not wanting to argue and get him more worked up, I tell him okay, rising from my seat but before I could walk off, I place a sweet kiss on Michael's tear stained cheek, immediately seeing him light up like a Christmas tree.

"Talk to you tonight?" I ask him in a whisper.

He nods his head and I head for the door. I really hope Joseph doesn't hurt Michael because if he do, he is going to have major payback coming. Believe me.

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