15~ Deeper Feelings

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September 30, 1972
•Shanelle POV•

I was just writing the finishing touches on my new song I've been working on when Mrs. De Passé hands me the phone telling me that I got a phone call but to make it quick since we have to leave in a few. Thinking it was just Uncle Berry or my mother, I quickly answer with a polite 'yes' only to hear the loud and obnoxious voice I miss so much, screaming in my ear.

"Hello, Trisha. What's up girl?" I ask , still laughing.

"Girl nothing. You know the usual. Ducking and dodging these dogs." By the sound of her voice I can tell she was rolling her eyes.

"Ducking and dodging them for a special somebody this time?" I singsong only to be shutdown by a loud scoff.

"If you say Marlon girl I could choke you. He one of the dogs I'm dodging."

I scrunch my brows in confusion. "What happened? Y'all were fine just days ago."

"Girl, he think he is his older brothers for real. Thinking he high and almighty just because he's a Jackson. Thinking I'm gonna' follow his every command like I'm his pet or something. Tuh! Brother must be jivin'!"

"What did he ask you to do that's got you all riled up, Trish?" I groan knowing I've heard her say all of this about every guy she's been with so far.

"Girl, if I tell you, I'll kill your innocence with one blow. Speaking of such, what's up with you and Michael?" She coos the last part making me roll my eyes hard.

"We are fine."

"Still having them early morning cuddles and kisses?" I hum my answer. "Is it still them little elementary pecks? Please don't tell me his tongue hasn't been somewhere else besides your neck girl?"

"I don't think we are ready for all that, Trish. I mean, we seem a bit young for all that right now." I reason only to hear another loud scoff in my ear.

"I really should choke you. You both are 14 years old. That ain't too young to be tonguing him down, Nell."

"I don't know." I whine.

"You and Michael need to step up y'all game. These little pecks you guys doing is not going to cut it anymore girl. Especially if he finally made it official and keeps leaving marks all on you. You gotta give him some action, Nell. Break out of you shell!"

Seeing Mrs. De Passe wave at me signaling that we need to go I end the call telling Trisha that I will call her tomorrow, so we could hang out when I'm back at home. Walking out in the hallway, it was already filled with the boys and my beautiful boyfriend, playing in his hair as he daydreamed. I snap my fingers in his face making him blink rapidly before looking in my direction.

"Hey baby." He greets before kissing my lips softly, causing my mind to wonder if I should really take our kissing to the next level like Trisha insisted.

• Michael POV •

I must say, I'm happy to be wrapping up this tour. The long hours and many flights takes a toll on me after reaching the last few shows and tonight I can finally sleep in my own bed instead of the hard mattresses in our suites.

One thing I'm not so happy about though is Shanelle and I midnight talks, even though we have been cuddling more than talking since her birthday which is always fine with me. She belongs in my arms forever and always anyway.

She completely fell in love with her necklace I got her. I've never seen her take it off. Which always puts a smile on my face knowing I make her just as happy as she makes me. Having someone to call my own has always been a dream of mine and now that I finally have it. It feels like a dream come true. I'm so blessed to say I finally found true happiness.

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