37~ Venturing Off

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Next up on the Breaking News! list, we have Michael Jackson and Shanelle Lewis, the worlds most talked about, most loved couple going through a break up?

Shanelle has publicly stated that the two weren't exactly seeing eye to eye at the moment and seemed to be practicing on giving each other space. They haven't been seen together in public or even talked about one another in interviews after Shanelle's inside scoop. A inside source has even came out to say how Michael seemed to be spending most of his time either at the studio with his brothers or with the living Icon, Diana Ross, a woman who we know is responsible for Michael's career as a professional singer. Shanelle on the other hand must be busying herself with work since the only time people see her nowadays is when she is entering or leaving a studio.

Well, we know for sure there is trouble in paradise but is this the end for the idolized couple and is Michael trading Shanelle for his celebrity crush or is this just a bump in the road? All I know is, Shanelle, I'm a single 23 year old man looking for someone to share my love with baby. I'll help you get your mind off little Michael Jackson. Along with 90% of the brothers in this world! Call me!

~Michael POV~

If work wasn't on the schedule for me, my days were mostly spent moping around my room, replaying that dreadful night over and over in my brain as if it was some old vhs tape. Its been a week since I last heard from her, even with me calling non stop everyday, showing up at every studio I was informed she would be at just to beg her to talk to me, I still was granted with nothing but silence and frustration. Eventually it got to the point where my calls would never go through and she wouldn't even look in my direction in public when my voice would call for her to, but I couldn't even bring myself to be angry with her ways. Not even when she went public about our break on the radio a few days back. Another woman caressed my skin, kissed my lips, done things with my body not even Shanelle has done to me. I had grown to be identical to the person I never wanted to become, doing the same hurtful things I've seen him and my brothers do to their women countless of times.

"You can trust me, Nelley." Is the words I use to speak to her so delicately. "I will never hurt you."

All those nights spent with her wrapped in my arms telling me her deepest secrets, her giving me her trust and loyalty, this is how I repay her. I tried to express to her that I was in a weak state, that I was upset with her that night for letting Tyrone kiss what was mine just the night before, but as it should, that excuse went in one ear and out the other. I was left standing there with a stinging face that was wet from my tears as she stalked away from me practically smoking from her ears like the cartoons.

That was our last conversation we had..hopefully not forever.

"Michael.." I hear Latoya's honey coated voice fill my ears making me quickly wipe the stray tears from my eyes before she can see them. "Michael, it isn't healthy to sit up in here all by yourself like this."

I shake my head, lifting the needle from The Miracles album I was listening to that was just filling my gloomy room with the silky voice of Smokey singing 'I'll Try Something New'(The song I posted above 😌), "I'm fine. Really, I am. I just need some me time, is all."

I shift my body to face her more once seeing her move closer in my room, shutting the door behind her gently. "Michael, why can't you just tell us what happened between you two? Y'all was doing just fine last time I saw ya'. Now, she don't even come here or you sneak off and go there, or even go out on dates anymore like you use to do. You two can't even speak 2 words to each other....is what she said on the radio bothering you?"

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