6:47 p.m October 10th

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(Y/n) stepped out of his/her car, and walked through the gates, his/her shoes hollowly tapping on the cobblestone ground, hesitating ever so slightly as he/she spotted a man walking not too far ahead.

Not knowing what to say (Y/n) simply sped up to catch up with the man, who turned around once he heard his/her footsteps. 

"Oh, Bully! And here I thought I was going to be the last guest to arrive" he greeted, his voice slightly accented. The man squinted and scratched his chin, "you must be (Y/n)" he concluded,

(Y/n) simply nodded, wondering how the man knew his/her name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, after all, Damien has been constantly blabbering about you" He paused and held out his hand "my name is William, but all of my friends call me The Colonel, you're welcome to do the same, should it please you" the colonel spoke as (Y/n) shook his hand.

"So, how long have you known Damien" The Colonel inquired as they walked up the pathway, 

(Y/n) had to think about that, it seemed like he/she had known Damien forever. "Since we were little kids" (Y/n) responded, subconsciously reaching towards his/her watch, which was a present Damien had gotten him/her a few years back.

"Well, I can tell you two are really close" The Colonel observed as they walked up to the porch steps. "But, uh... after you" he added opening the door for (Y/n).

"Ah! (L/n), bonjour! Welcome to Markiplier Manor, I'm so glad you could make it" Benjamin, the butler, beamed, giving (Y/n) a quick hug.

"It's so nice to see you again, Benjamin" (Y/n) greeted handing him his/her invitation.

 "Good luck at the table, (L/n). I shall fetch you a drink forthwith" Benjamin informed heading into another room. 

(Y/n) smiled brightly as he/she spotted Damien, who was engaged in a conversation.

(Y/n) walked over to Damien, "Oh! (Y/n), you made it" Damien exclaimed, practically jumping into a hug, almost knocking both of them to the ground, (Y/n) giggled and happily returned the hug. 

Once Damien pulled away (Y/n) noticed some of his hair sticking up. "Stay still, I need to fix your hair" he/she informed, attempting to brush his hair back with his/her hand. "You really need to learn how to fix your hair" (Y/n) commented lovingly. 

"But then I don't get the pleasure of you fixing it for me" Damien teased, causing (Y/n)'s face to heat up.

"Damien, can you come here for a minute" The Colonel called from the other room. Damien looked over at (Y/n), both of them blushed as they realized how close they were to each other. "W-well I'll see you at the table soon" Damien stammered before rushing off to greet his friend.

(Y/n) walked into another room, where The Chef was, "if you're looking for hors-d'oeuvres, I'll get them when I'm good and ready" The Chef growled, taking a few steps towards the kitchen. "And stay out of my kitchen" he snapped shoving his ladle towards his/her face.

"Now, now let's not be rude to our guest" Benjamin intervened, (Y/n) sighed and headed towards him. "So sorry about that" Benjamin apologized handing (Y/n) a drink.

"Well, I'm just glad he didn't beat me to death with his ladle" (Y/n) joked, causing Benjamin to laugh.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all!" Mark greeted as he started down the stairs, "does he always have to do a dramatic entrance" The Colonel mumbled as he and Damien walked over to (Y/n). 

"Better question: is he wearing a... cigar robe, to his own semi-formal reunion" (Y/n) whispered as Mark continued with his speech.

"...it's not all about me. It's about you" Mark continued pointing almost directly at (Y/n). "So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living! And who knows, I could be dead tomorrow"

(Y/n) sipped his/her champagne as Mark walked the rest of the way downstairs to greet them. "(Y/n)! I'm so glad you made it, I know you've had a busy schedule" Mark exclaimed.

(Y/n) shrugged "well, Damien convinced me"  he/she admitted.

"I apologize for intruding, but dinner is ready to be served" Benjamin informed, walking into the dining room. (Y/n) sighed he/she hopes this will be a good night.

After a while, everyone had gotten comfortable, and slightly intoxicated... hell (Y/n) even managed to get The Chef to come to socialize.

Luckily enough there wasn't anyone there that (Y/n) particularly disliked. He/She was already friends with Damien, Mark, and Benjamin.

The Colonel had more of a satire sense of humour, but was outgoing and good company. The Chef, who even though had a bit of an anger problem, was a surprisingly good listener. (Y/n) also met Abe, a detective, he was friendly, kinda flirtatious, but he/she enjoyed his company.

Despite (Y/n) being more of a social drinker he/she found him/herself getting progressively more tired. He/She yawned and leaned his/her head on Damien's shoulder. "Are you getting tired?" Damien asked softly, (Y/n) only gave a simple nod in response.

"Alright, I think me and (Y/n) are going to go to bed" Damien informed as he picked (Y/n) up and headed to a guest bedroom.

After tucking (Y/n) into bed, Damien turned to leave but (Y/n) grabbed his wrist, "stay with me" he/she whispered. Damien gave a small smile and lied down beside (Y/n), and right before (Y/n) fell asleep he/she admitted something he/she couldn't do fully conscious, or fully sober... "Damien, I love you".

Post edit:
So uh I just posted chapter 26 but I realized I didn't have a 'question of the chapter' for this chapter so uhhh here

A question of the chapter:
What's your favorite season? Why?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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