12:17 a.m October 12th

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(Y/n) groggily opened his/her eyes and looked up at the night sky. How long was (Y/n) asleep? 

(Y/n) tiredly sat up and looked at his/her watch... 12:17 a.m, (Y/n) knew he/she should go back inside and check on the others, but he/she really didn't want to go back inside. 

(Y/n) sat there for several minutes, it was nice, not having to worry about the chaos inside the Manor.

"Colonel?" Damien called, (Y/n) turned around, trying to come up with an excuse for why he/she had been sleeping on a bench. Oddly enough, however, Damien didn't seem to worry... or care. 

"Damn, I thought I heard him, no matter. Would you accompany me?" Damien requested, (Y/n) did, but plodded behind him at a safe distance, something was off. Damien has always been very sympathetic; he could never turn a blind eye to those in need... why would he become apathetic towards (Y/n) so suddenly, it wasn't like him.

"There's something that I would very much like to discuss with you" Damien announced still showing little concern. "Now, I know you've been assisting our... 'intrepid' detective with his investigation but..." Damien trailed off. 

(Y/n) clenched his/her fist, Damien called Abe 'intrepid' almost mockingly, this definitely wasn't like him.

"I have to bring some concerns of mine to The forefront" Damien stated and before (Y/n) could respond Damien continued. "If we look at this situation logically, we can assume that the killer who struck down our dear friend Mark was with us last night" he addressed, (Y/n) simply nodded. 

"And while I would stake my life on the innocence of The Colonel or yourself, can we really say the same of our beloved detect-" "-Damien, I love you but I am NOT going to stand here and let you talk about Abe like that. Out of everyone here, I never thought you'd be the one to point fingers" (Y/n) scolded.

A loud crash and yelling erupted from inside the Manor. (Y/n) and Damien looked at each other before sprinting inside, (Y/n) rushing in front of Damien in an attempt to protect him. 

Inside, however, Abe and The Colonel had their guns pointed at each other. "-you better lower your weapon, you murderer" Abe ordered slightly backing away. "I bloody well won't, you're the one that assaulted me! For all I know, you could be the murderer!" The Colonel retorted. Chef came sprinting in "what the fu-Ooh!" Chef exclaimed stumbling to the side.

"Last chance, drop your weapon" Abe threatened. Despite being terrified (Y/n) firmly stood in front of Chef, Damien, and now Benjamin. If something went wrong (Y/n) would be the only thing separating them from their death. 

"Everyone, please! I know we're all on edge, but can't we resolve this amicably?" Damien pleaded as Benjamin cleaned up the shards of 'master's prized vase'. "On edge?! This psycho tried to shoot me!" Abe retorted. "That's a bull faced lie. I was merely doing some light target practice" The Colonel clarified. "Inside?!" Benjamin exclaimed slapping The Colonel with the broom.

"Well yes, I couldn't with that bloody chef in my way, could I?" Colonel argued before The Chef jumped towards him. 

"Damn right you should've remembered that, private!" Chef scowled hitting The Colonel on the head with his ladle. "Besides, you're not my boss anymore" chef added. 

"It's Colonel now" The Colonel grumbled. 

Abe rolled his eyes "Enough of this horseshit" he snapped as The Colonel pointed his gun back at him. "You knew I was onto you and you were trying to wack me off before I could finger you..." Abe shouted. Besides (Y/n)'s restrained laughter the room fell silent as Abe and The Colonel shared very uncomfortable eye contact. "As the murderer" Abe clarified. "I will not be called a murderer in my own home" The Colonel retorted.

"Stop!" A woman yelled rushing through the front doors. "What are you doing" she scolded slamming the doors. 

"Who the hell are you" Abe queried as both he and The Colonel slightly lowered their guns. 

"Celine? What are you doing here?" The Colonel questioned with a gentle voice. "'Celine'? How the hell do you know her?" And exclaimed. 

(Y/n) tapped Abe's shoulder and leaned forward to whisper something to him as Benjamin made an attempt to explain what was happening. "Celine is- or was Mark's wife, although Mark had been suspicious that she was having an affair" (Y/n) explained.

 Abe glared at Celine before leaning back towards (Y/n), "I don't trust her" he whispered. (Y/n) chuckled "who do you trust," he/she asked jokingly. "You... and maybe Damien" Abe answered. "Oh, good to know" (Y/n) responded.

"-How can I put this delicately... MARKS FUCKING DEAD" Chef blurted. "What" Celine whispered, although she didn't look too upset.

"Dead like my hopes and dreams. And he's a flesh-eating zombie" Chef blurted. "Homo necrosis" Celine simply stated. 

"Exactly, hence the guns" The Colonel added waving his gun. "That is not 'hence the guns'" Abe snapped mocking The Colonel's gun waving. "Stop waving those bloody guns around!" Benjamin scolded, The Colonel and Abe simply waved their guns in his face, and The Chef, for some reason, did the same with his ladle.

"Hold on! Tell me what happened! How did Mark... die?" Celine urged trying to get everyone to focus. 

"It was murder. And worse yet... the body is missing" Damien informed as thunder echoed through the house. 

"What? Show me. And don't say that word" Celine ordered. "What word? Murder?" Chef questioned as more thunder erupted. "Yes! That word!" Celine snapped. Benjamin looked down, "well I mean murder is a rather accurate description of what occur-" "-Do you not see the lightning?!" Celine interrupted hitting Benjamin's shoulder.

"You sayin' it was lightning that murderer Mark?" Abe questioned skeptically. The Colonel shrugged, "well Mother Nature doesn't exactly strike me as having murderous intent... unless you count that time I was sucked into the board game Jumanji and I was-" "-Stop, stop! Look, whatever's happening here is tapping into forces far beyond our control" Celine intruded. Celine sighed "come with me, I'll explain everything I know" Celine assured motioning for them to follow her. 

How does one end a chapter
Ummm anyways updates may be a bit slower, I'm going through some family issues... I'll try to update as fast as possible

The question of the chapter:
What is your favourite movie quote?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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