10:09 a.m January 26th

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(Y/n) exited the shower and got dressed into some of Dark's clothes, that he/she found in one of the drawers. 

(Y/n) stretched before leaving the bedroom and wandering into the kitchen. Anti was slouched in a dining chair, his head on the table as he played with his knife. 

"Well, good morning, Anti" (Y/n) greeted, Anti groaned in response. "Can you give me a hand" (Y/n) asked as he/she started looking through the cabinets, Anti groaned again and shook his head. "Well, if you won't help me find the ingredients, I guess I can't make chocolate chip pancakes" (Y/n) replied with a smirk as he/she turned to leave.

Anti shot out of his seat and sprinted towards (Y/n), "what do you need?!" Anti exclaimed. 

(Y/n) giggled and started listening off ingredients, Anti rushed around the kitchen to grab them. Anti leaned on the counter top as (Y/n) started cooking. 

(Y/n) started telling Anti childhood stories about him/her and Dark. (Y/n) chuckled, "Y'know, when me and Dark were kids, we'd go to this flower field" he/she began. "Every time we'd go, Dark would make flower crowns" (Y/n) expressed absentmindedly with a smile. (Y/n) put a pancake on a plate and handed it to Anti.

Soon after (Y/n) sat across from Anti with his/her breakfast. The two talked through breakfast, simply laughing and joking.

"Is Dark still asleep?!" Anti exclaimed, (Y/n) laughed, "you should've seen it when he was younger, he could sleep in until five in the afternoon" he/she stated.

(Y/n) stood up and grabbed the dirty dishes, he/she walked over to the sink to rinse the dishes.

Anti bounded out of his chair and sprinted toward (Y/n), "Do ya want to go somewhere today" he asked, (Y/n) smiled and nodded. "Sure, let me just write a note for Dark... so he doesn't worry" (Y/n) explained grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. 

(Y/n) hastily wrote the note and slipped on his/her shoes before following (Y/n) outside. "So, do you have any plans?" (Y/n) asked, Anti giggled, "maybe" he replied in a almost child-like tone. "Should I be excited or scared" (Y/n) joked, "maybe a little bit of both" Anti answered with another giggle.

Anti grabbed (Y/n)'s arm lead him/her over to the supermarket. Anti was about to step inside when (Y/n) stopped him, "Anti, what about your neck?!" he/she fretted. 

Anti giggled and pulled out a choker necklace, which completely covered his wound. They both stepped inside and started looking around the store. "Hey, Anti. They don't have a 'glad you're not dead' card, now I don't know what to get Dark" (Y/n) joked, Anti laughed in response.

They continued walking through the store, every once in a while making a joke about a product they saw.

"Why is this so intriguing?" (Y/n) questioned as he/she stared at shiny putty. "(Y/n)! Look at this" Anti exclaimed, (Y/n) turned around to see Anti wearing a pair of roller skates and holding another pair in his hands. Anti tossed (Y/n) the roller skates, he/she laughed and put on the roller skates.

(Y/n) stood steadily before reaching to grab inside a box of fake foam swords. "Hey, Anti! Catch!" (Y/n) blurted tossing Anti a sword. "En Garde" (Y/n) commented pointing the sword at Anti. 

Anti swung his sword at (Y/n), who blocked using his/her own sword. They both laughed and continued fighting. Eventually Anti knocked the sword from (Y/n)'s hand. 

(Y/n) looked over and grabbed a small Pokémon plushie, "I choose you, Pikachu!" (Y/n) exclaimed throwing the doll at Anti. "Why the hell did that not work" (Y/n) blurted jokingly before Anti started chasing (Y/n), who yelped and started skating away.

It didn't take long for staff to notice the commotion, a male staff member soon approached them, he told them to put the roller skates away and threatened to call the cops. 

Before (Y/n) could say anything, Anti grabbed his/her arm and drug (Y/n) out of the store and down the street, they stopped at a small coffee shop a couple miles away. 

(Y/n) gasped for breath and let out a laugh, "never a dull moment, huh?" He/she commented, Anti laughed and shook his head in response.

"I know the person who works here" Anti informed as they took off the roller skates and put their regular shoes back on.

(Y/n) stuffed the roller skates in his/her bag before they stepped inside. An elderly woman, with medium-long graying hair and gentle, yet tired, hazel eyes, looked up at them and smiled.

"Oh, hello there, Anti, did you bring a friend?" The elderly woman greeted, Anti enthusiastically nodded. "Granny, This is (Y/n)" Anti replied grabbing (Y/n)'s arm.

The woman walked out from behind the counter, when (Y/n) spotted the woman's name tag, neat cursive letters spelled "Margaret Lancaster"... the last name sounded oddly familiar to (Y/n).

"Well, let's not just stand here, come, sit. I'll get you some tea" Margaret said flipping over the 'Sorry we're closed' sign before walking over to make tea.

(Y/n) and Anti sat down as Margaret grabbed the tea and several biscuits. "This is who Dark was talking about" Anti informed, Margaret looked over at (Y/n) and gave a bright smile.

 "Oh, so you're the sweetheart that's with Dark" Margaret commented, (Y/n) blushed and softly nodded. "He's a respectable young man, always helps me with my shop" Margaret said taking a sip of her tea.

"Speak of the devil" Margaret started as the shop door opened, (Y/n) looked over as Dark entered the shop, slowly closing the door behind him. 

"Good afternoon" Dark greeted ruffling Anti's hair, who huffed in response. Dark chuckled and walked over to (Y/n), he tilted his/her head up and gently kissed him/her. 

"(Y/n), I need you to come with me, it's quite important" Dark explained before looking over at Margaret. "I apologize for leaving so suddenly" Dark said, Margaret simply smiled, "it's quite alright, have a good day" she responded. Dark gently grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and led him/her to his car. (Y/n) followed restlessly, not knowing what was to come.

Sorry for the "filler" chapter, I hope you all still enjoyed it.
I actually feel like my writing is getting progressively more shit
Unrelated, but I'm also failing two courses in school...
Also +10 points to whoever gets the pewdiepie reference

Question of the chapter:
Do you have any weird/strange phobias?

I lowkey have 'Parasitophobia', or the fear of parasites, mostly parasitic worms.
Just the thought of something living inside of you, moving just under the skin, or controlling you is fucking terrifying to me.

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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