12:02 p.m January 25th

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"Hey! Wake up!" a distorted accented male voice called out, following with a slight giggle. 

(Y/n) let out an almost inaudible groan and twitched as he/she felt something sharp poke his/her shoulder. 

(Y/n) laid almost motionless, and besides his/her slow and shallow breathing, looked almost dead. (Y/n) was sickeningly pale and almost unresponsive. 

"C'mon, wake up!" the voice yelled, (Y/n) still just laid there. The man hugged and put a hand on his/her head. (Y/n) took a sharp breath as his/her eyes shot open.

"I thought ya were never going to wake up" the man noted with a giggle. 

(Y/n) looked over at the man, he/she let out a yelp and fell backwards, hitting his/her head against the wall.

 The man had the top of his hair dyed green, his eyes were a striking blue... and his neck had been cut open and lazily stitched back up. 

(Y/n) nervously looked up at the man, who was now laughing hysterically, before he/she looked down at the knife that was clutched in his right hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya" the Irish man added, reaching out to help (Y/n) stand. (Y/n) hesitated but grabbed the man's hand, he pulled him/her to his/her feet and let out another giggle. 

"What's your name" he questioned cocking his head slightly to the side. "U-um, I'm (Y/n)" he/she answered, not knowing what to think of the man.

The man giggled once more, "Well, I'm Anti, nice to finally meet you" Anti chimed excitedly, (Y/n) remained silent, unsure of what to say. Anti must have noticed as he tried to clarify, "I'm friends with your boyfriend" Anti explain

(Y/n)'s eyes widened with excitement and shock. "Then that means..." (Y/n) trailed off and looked down at his/her hands... he/she wasn't transparent anymore. (Y/n) quickly examined his/her surroundings... he/she wasn't at the Manor. (Y/n) had made it, (Y/n) had escaped.

(Y/n) didn't even attempt to hold in his/her happiness, he/she laughed, tears of joy brimming in his/her eyes. (Y/n) hugged Anti before slightly picking him up and spinning him around.

 "W-what are ya doing!" Anti exclaimed, (Y/n) laughed again "I made it! I fucking made it!" he/she cheered before putting Anti down. 

"Well, you're excited" Anti commented with a giggle as he brushed off his shirt. "Are you kidding me?! I was trapped in a fucking haunted Manor for..." (Y/n) paused for a moment, "wait? What's today's date" he/she asked. "January 25th" Anti answered in a amused tone, "almost five months... kinda" (Y/n) blurted.

(Y/n) paced around for a moment before turning to Anti, "and you said you were friends with Damien, that means he's okay" he/she blurted, Anti scratched the back of his head, "just to let ya know, he kinda changed his name to 'Dark'" Anti informed nervously. 

(Y/n) gave him a questioning look, which Anti just shrugged in response. "Do you know where he is?" (Y/n) asked, Anti hesitated, "Well, yes and no. Dark tends to disappear, but he has been following some guy named Mark" Anti paused then shrugged, "I may have also set Mark up for a fake blind date" Anti noted.

(Y/n) paused and looked over at Anti, "when is this blind date?" he/she asked, Anti shrugged "several hours from now, why?" He replied as (Y/n) began to pace again. "If Dam- Dark tends to disappear, maybe if I go on the blind date, he could find me... since he's after Mark" (Y/n) reasoned. Anti giggled "I can't tell if this is crazy or amazing... I love it" he chimed grabbing (Y/n)'s hand. "C'mon, let's go get ya ready" Anti urged leading (Y/n) outside.

(Y/n) followed Anti to the back of an expensive clothing store, Anti motioned for (Y/n) to look through the store window with him, and they both looked through the blinds.

 Anti looked over at the small electrical box, "see anything ya like?" he asked breaking open the box. "We're stealing?!" (Y/n) exclaimed looking over at Anti, who gave him/her an unamused look. 

(Y/n) sighed and pointed at an outfit he/she liked. Anti giggled and motioned for (Y/n) to get closer to him. Anti handed (Y/n) his knife, "after I go in, you cut these three wires, it'll shut down power and cameras" Anti explained pointing towards the wires (Y/n) needed to cut.

(Y/n) watched carefully as Anti entered to store before quickly cutting the wires, just like Anti had said, the building went dark.

Not even a minute later, Anti burst through the door with the outfit. They both sprinted down the street and eventually stopped behind an apartment complex. 

(Y/n) handed Anti his knife, "that was surprisingly... fun" he/she admitted while gasping for air. "We're not done yet" Anti noted as he pointed at a apartment window.

"Guy's gonna be out all weekend, you can probably get cleaned up there" Anti explained, despite his/her better judgement, (Y/n) nodded. 

Anti opened the window, "who leaves their window unlocked when they go on a trip" (Y/n) questioned as they stepped into the apartment. Anti snooped around the rest of the apartment while (Y/n) showered and got ready. 

Afterwards (Y/n) and Anti quietly left the apartment. "Y'know this is an amazing idea" Anti blurted with a laugh. 

(Y/n) smiled, he/she was still wearing Dark's handkerchief and Abe's hat. "Let's just hope it works" (Y/n) replied as he/she grabbed Dark's handkerchief. "Don't worry, Damien, I'm almost there" (Y/n) mumbled before sighing, "just, please... don't give up."

Slight spoiler but not really: the reader will be reuniting with Damien/Dark very soon

The next chapter is also going to be like "a date with markiplier"

I want to do different fanfic after this one (don't worry this is not about to end soon) and I asked for suggestions (and also some of my own ideas) pick one or two you like best. (Also tell me if you have anymore ideas)
• Wilford x reader (suggested by: @sclel5 )
• platonic! Amyplier x reader (suggested by: @Its_Just_Jinx )
• post apocalypse! Therunawayguys
• super power au! mark, Jack, and Felix
• super power au! Therunawayguys

Question of the chapter:
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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