1:22 p.m October 13th

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(Y/n)'s eyes shot open as he/she took a sharp intake of breath, (Y/n) lied there for a couple of seconds trying to calm his/her breathing as his/her vision cleared. 

(Y/n) groaned and rolled to his/her side, and slowly rose to his/her feet. (Y/n), almost instinctively, put his/her hand over where he/she had been shot. 

(Y/n) slowly turned around, The Colonel sat clutching Damien's cane, he had also taken off the top part of his uniform. How long had (Y/n) been... dead? (Y/n) stumbled back, slightly afraid The Colonel was still a threat.

"Oh no! It's okay" Colonel assured slowly rising to his feet and stepping towards (Y/n). 

(Y/n) hesitantly stepped closer to The Colonel, he/she knew he/she had to be cautious. 

"I-I thought you were dead" The Colonel added, (Y/n) slowly shook his/her head. "I-I-I mean, of course, you're not dead! You're not- how could you be dead. I mean, I-I wouldn't have killed. I-I didn't kill you. I mean, of cour-I-I..." Colonel trailed off walking over and putting Damien's cane on a desk underneath a mirror.

"Of course! I didn't kill anybody!" Colonel blurted breaking into laughter. "I didn't- it was all a joke! Of course, it was all a joke!" Colonel exclaimed (Y/n) slowly shook his/her head. "Were you in on this?!" Did Damien put you up to this? Of course, he did!" Colonel added stepping backward. "Damien, where are you, you rapscallion? Where are you? Celine?" Colonel shouted stumbling deeper into the Manor.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and looked over at Damien's cane, (Y/n)'s fingers softly grazed the cane before he/she picked it up. For a second everything became blurry, but it was only for a second.

 (Y/n)'s eyes widened, his/her hand looked completely different. (Y/n) hesitantly looked up at the mirror, but it was no longer his/her reflection... it was Damien's.

 Damien looked upset, but he wasn't looking directly at the mirror, he was looking at his cane. Damien cracked his neck somehow causing the mirror to crack. He slowly looked directly at the reflection, he looked hurt and angry... then Damien just walked away.

(Y/n) stood in shock he/she was trying desperately to make sense of what happened. However, The Colonel's hysterical laughter and screaming brought (Y/n) back to reality. 

(Y/n) ran through the Manor to The Colonel's aid. He was still stumbling through the corridors and repeating the same lines. 

"Colonel! Colonel, you need to sit down, you're hyperventilating. Please, you need to try to relax" (Y/n) pleaded, but The Colonel didn't even acknowledge him/her as if he didn't even know (Y/n) was there.

The Colonel spun around and began stumbling towards the exit of the Manor. (Y/n) sprinted to grab him, he/she couldn't let him leave in his current state, he could get hurt. 

(Y/n) caught up with him and reached out... his/her hand went through him. (Y/n) gasped and stumbled backward. (Y/n) looked down at his/her hands... they were slightly transparent with a purple hue, just like Celine and Damien. 

(Y/n)'s eyes dilated as he/she came to the realization of what happened... Damien had abandoned him/her.

(Y/n) whimpered out a "no", he/she had now gotten the same fate of the others who have perished here. "Died... here" (Y/n) trying to make sense of everything. 

(Y/n)'s head shot up as he/she spun around and looked up the stairs. "Abe!" (Y/n) screamed before sprinting up the stairs. (Y/n) kneeled in front of Abe... he still wasn't moving.

 "C'mon Abe, wake up! Abe, wake up!" (Y/n) begged, he had to wake up, (Y/n) didn't want him to suffer like him/her. "WAKE UP!" (Y/n) shouted as loud as he/she could before breaking down into loud and broken sobs.

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