10:19 a.m March 1st

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(Y/n) sat alone on his/her bed, most of his/her wounds had properly healed and (Y/n) was finally able to freely move around.

(Y/n) carefully stood up and stretched before leaving the bedroom, everything felt so peaceful, but deep down (Y/n) knew it wasn't going to last long.

"Good morning, Abe" (Y/n) greeted as he/she walked into the kitchen. "Good morning" Abe responded. "I was just about to wake you and Wilford for breakfast" he informed setting several waffles onto the plates.

"Are the others up?" (Y/n) questioned as he/she grabbed a drink, Abe nodded. "Mark, Dark, and Anti are in the other room, and Kristopher is running errands" he answered as (Y/n) nodded and stretched again.

"I'll go Get Wilford" (Y/n) said as he/she walked over to one of the guest bedrooms.

(Y/n) softly knocked on the door before opening it, Wilford was still asleep.

(Y/n) started softly shaking Wilford, "wake up, breakfast is ready" he/she informed, Wilford only gave a exaggerated groan in response.

(Y/n) softly sighed before shaking Wilford again, "Abe is on fire!" he/she dramatically exclaimed, Wilford just groaned again.

(Y/n) huffed, "I will fucking snap the fuck out of you!" he/she screamed, Wilford now opened his eyes and gave (Y/n) a confused look.

"Finally" (Y/n) began. "Get up, Abe made breakfast" he/she informed, Wilford dat up and nodded be he rubbed his eyes.

The group ate breakfast at the table together, just talking about whatever came to mind, none of them were worrying about what could happen in the future.

"Did you know that even if you're one in a million, there are still seven thousand five hundred people like you" (Y/n) informed as he/she finished the last bites of his/her breakfast.

"Well damn, that's lowkey depressing" Mark responded as he stood to help with the dishes.

Dark softly laughed, "Where the fuck did that come from?!" he exclaimed with amusement.

(Y/n) laughed, "somewhere deep inside the dark corners of my mind" he/she answered jokingly.

"Hey, I bought this game, called 'Friday the thirteenth' I was thinking we could play it today" Mark suggested, the group agreed and set up the computers.

Anti got to be Jason, as he was begging to play as him, and they started the game.

Almost immediately after they started the game Mark's character got caught, "don't worry, I'll save you!" Dark assured as he headed over to get Mark out of the trap.

"Fuck that, you save yourself!" Dark exclaimed as Anti started chasing him. "Come on, brothers stick together" Mark protested jokingly. "We're not even related! fuck you!" Dark yelled as Mark's character was killed.

"That's risky" Abe pointed out as Wilford started working on one of the generators.

"Well, it's either do or die..." Wilford trailed off for a minute. "Most likely die" he stated before Anti came up behind him and stabbed his's character. "Yup, it was die" Wilford concluded causing the others to laugh.

Mark and Wilford eventually went to the kitchen to get something to drink as the others continued playing.

(Y/n) somehow managed to get Dark's character out of a trap and distracted Anti for long enough for Dark to run far enough away.

"(Y/n), you have almost no health" Dark informed as (Y/n) started working on a generator.

"That's fine" (Y/n) assured as he/she continued working on the generator.

"You're literally dying" Dark objected with a laugh, "Well, that's fine too" (Y/n) responded.

"How the fuck is dying 'fine'?!" Abe exclaimed as he finished working on a generator. "Because, I have a pla..." (Y/n) trailed off as Anti killed his/her character. "Well, fuck the plan then" he/she exclaimed jokingly.

"I-I got stuck in the fucking wall" Dark stated trying to move his character, who was half stuck in the barn.

Anti suddenly laughed, "Dark, I can see your legs sticking out of the wall" he exclaimed.

"He is the man of the wall!" Abe joked as he started working on yet another generator.

(Y/n) laughed, "cut off his ass!" he/she urged looking over at Anti's screen. "...and use it as a Christmas ham" (Y/n) said, Abe and Dark looked over at him/her.

"It's fucking March!" Dark objected before Anti stabbed and killed his character.

Abe almost got the last generator fixed before Anti killed him, "you were so close!" Wilford exclaimed before he patted Abe's head.

(Y/n) laughed before he/she stretched. Dark was about to say something when Kristopher tentatively entered the room and cleared his throat.

"I apologize..." Kristopher trailed off for a moment before speaking again. "I have to come clean about somethings."

This chapter was supposed to be different but my friend wanted me to write this... so I did

Have any of you guys played 'Friday the thirteenth'?
It's a great game tbh

I don't know but this chapter seems way too fucking short
But I don't really know what else to put

Question of the chapter:
Who, besides your family, had the biggest impact on your life?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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