5:45 p.m January 25th

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(Y/n) took a deep breath and looked at his/her watch... 5:45 p.m. 

Anti looked over at (Y/n), "where'd ya get that" he asked pointing at (Y/n)'s watch. 

"Oh, it was a gift from... Dark" (Y/n) replied absentmindedly while fidgeting with his/her watch. Anti giggled, "you should probably go inside" he noted motioning at the restaurants front doors. (Y/n) nodded and hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside.

(Y/n)'s breaths caught in his/her throat as he/she saw a all to familiar face... it was Benjamin. 

(Y/n) stepped to the counter, "ah, bonjour, you're table awaits..." Benjamin greeted before pausing and momentarily staring at (Y/n), he quickly shook his head and lead (Y/n) to the table. 

Mark looked up at (Y/n) and smiled, "oh, hi! I've got something for you... a rose!" he greeted handing (Y/n) a single rose, which he/she hesitantly accepted.

(Y/n) and Mark ordered their meal, which was prepared surprisingly fast, (Y/n) tried his/her best to eat but the stress had made him/her nauseous.

"You look so familiar" Mark noted before taking a sip of his drink. "Have we met?" he asked before shaking his head "must be destiny." 

(Y/n) gave a slight hum in response. "I can't wait to get to know you..." Mark trailed off for a moment, "but it feels like I might've known you for a long time."

(Y/n) racked his/her brain for a response, "maybe we have met before, it's a small world, after all" he/she replied, Mark smiled and nodded.

"Either way, I can't wait to see what this date has in store" Mark chimed. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as The Chef slammed the check book on the table, causing Mark to flinch. 

"So who's gonna pay for th..." Chef trailed off as his eyes met (Y/n)'s. (Y/n) took a deep breath and pulled out his/her wallet, he/she payed for the meal and gave a fairly large tip.

Chef took the payment and cleared his throat before heading back to the kitchen. "Thank you! Okay, I've got more of this date to show you" Mark exclaimed as he stood up and led (Y/n) outside. 

"We have this amazing play to see. It's going to be incredible" Mark said opening his car door for (Y/n). Luckily it was only around a five minute drive, and Mark mostly kept rambling about the play. They parked at the theater and both stepped out.

"I just wanted to say, thanks so much for coming out with me" Mark acknowledged as they entered the theater. 

(Y/n) politely nodded as they walked over to the two theater rooms.

"Oh! We have two plays to choose from: love too soon or the dark mark" Mark exclaimed. "The Dark Mark sounds good" (Y/n) replied absentmindedly. Mark nodded, "good idea, I've actually never see this play before. I don't even know who made it... so, it could be a fun adventure" Mark chimed opening the theater doors.

"Anyways, I uh, don't know if I've mentioned this before but I'm a 'patron of the arts' and uh..." Mark trailed off for a second. "I certainly love new theaters, new plays, new artists. You know... it all just, stocks the embers in my soul" Mark added with a giggle as they sat in the theater seat. 

The theater wasn't empty, but it was exactly full either. (Y/n) sat back in his/her seat, when everything became completely silent.

(Y/n) looked over, Mark was gone... no, not just Mark, everyone in the theater was gone. As if they just vanished into thin air. 

A slight rumbling and echoed creaking noises greeted (Y/n)'s ears as he/she looked back to the front of the theater. 

A faint screeching rang out, progressively getting louder, (Y/n)'s vision blurred and everything started going black. (Y/n) covered his/her ears as the ringing became unbearable... and then, there was complete and utter silence.

A low, yet tolerable, ringing broke the silence as (Y/n)'s vision starting returning. 

Through his/her blurred sight (Y/n) saw Damien... or now, Dark. (Y/n) wanted to speak, wanted to embrace Dark, but he/she couldn't make a noise or even move. 

"Did you miss me?" Dark queried almost bitterly, "I missed you, very much" he admitted, before, in a way, teleporting back a couple feet. 

"I've been waiting a long time to see you again" Dark spoke before pausing, "I've been pushed aside... replaced... mocked" he added with a scowl.

"And then he had the gall to not invite me to his little adventure with you" Dark snapped before hesitating. "No more. Never again" he sneered. "I've been waiting patiently! He promised he would let me in again! I'm tired of giving people a choice!" Dark screamed, (Y/n) could feel tears running down his/her face. Dark noticed this and his expression softened, he sighed and shook his head, "but I suppose I could give you one last option" he said quietly as he opened the void.

(Y/n) wipes away his/her tears and hesitantly walked over to Dark. (Y/n) stood still for a moment, he/she couldn't seem to speak, there was so much (Y/n) wanted to say, yet he/she couldn't find the words. 

(Y/n) smiled through his/her tears, "you still haven't learned to fix your hair" (Y/n) noted gently, slowly running his/her hands through Dark's hair. "(Y/n)" Dark mumbled quietly, he didn't know what to do anymore.

(Y/n) somberly smiled, "I'm sorry I took so long" he/she rasped, Dark let a single tear roll down his cheek.

"w-why are you being so kind? I abandoned you" Dark sobbed, (Y/n) shook his/her head. "I'm just so glad you're safe" (Y/n) comforted gently. 

"Don't you hate me?" Dark asked, (Y/n) hesitated before shaking his/her head once more. "No. I tried to hate you, I really did... but I never could, I just ended up hating myself more and more" (Y/n) explained, Dark suddenly embraced (Y/n) and started crying.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm so sorry" Dark bawled, (Y/n) silently let tears fall down his/her cheeks as he/she held Dark.

"You poor thing, you must have been so scared" (Y/n) consoled before pulling back to look at Dark. "Don't worry, I'm going to make things right" (Y/n) assured, Dark bit his lip, "you do realize I'm not the same anymore" he whispered. 

(Y/n) shook his/her head, "but you're still you" (Y/n) replied softly. "I could hurt you" Dark warned, (Y/n) softly sighed, "we both know I'm not going to change my mind on this" he/she replied with a smile.

"Stubborn" Dark stated with a chuckle before pulling (Y/n) into a kiss, (Y/n) smiled into the kiss and pulled Dark closer. 

Dark eventually pulled away and smirked, "you're face is red" he noted, (Y/n)'s face heated up more. "You're so adorable when you blush" Dark stated, (Y/n) giggled and gave him a light push, "oh, shut up" he/she said with a laugh. 

Dark looked over at (Y/n) and smiled, "how about we go somewhere" he said grabbing (Y/n)'s hand. (Y/n) smiled "lead the way" he/he replied before Dark led him/her out of the void.

I don't know how to fucking end a chapter

Next few chapters are going to be a lot of banter, it'll be adorable, trust me.

Question of the chapter:
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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