1:02 a.m March 2nd

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Dark walked tiredly through a thin corridor, his eyes were bagged and his legs were exhausted, but he kept walking.

Dark knew that (Y/n) wouldn't give up, and he wasn't going to give up either.

In a way, Dark always loved that about (Y/n), he/she refused to ever give up, no matter how hard things would get. Dark knew that if anyone could do this, it was (Y/n), Dark believed in him/her.

Dark stopped in his tracks as he saw two familiar spirits in front of him, "Margaret?Kristopher?" Dark questioned lightly, Kristopher softly nodded.

"(Y/n), Abe, and Wilford are up ahead... they're in danger" Kristopher informed somberly. "Dark..." Margaret trailed off for a moment. "Please give this to Anti... a-and please take care of him" Margaret begged before she handed Dark her wayfinder charm.

Dark tentatively took the charm and looked up at Kristopher and Margaret. "I'm sorry it turned out this way" Kristopher whispered softly. "I'm glad we got to be with you all, just before the end" he admitted before he shook his head.

"You're a good person, Dark" Margaret acknowledged with a small smile. "You can do this" she added gently. Kristopher softly motioned at a elevator behind him, "your friends are in there" he explained. "Please, save my sweet grandchild" Kristopher begged, before Dark could respond Kristopher and Margaret disappeared.

Dark took a deep breath, he knew this was the end of the journey, that (Y/n) was waiting for him. Dark hesitated before walking over to the elevator door.

The air inside was freezing and only got colder going down. Abe, Wilford, and (Y/n) were easy to spot... but hard to look at.

Abe and Wilford were both dangling lifelessly by their arms, The red man had bled them dry and using their energy as a power source for himself.

(Y/n), on the other hand, was slumped lifelessly on a chair between Abe and Wilford... he/she had been beaten senseless.

Dark stepped closer to The red man and clenched his fist, the elevator door locked behind him.

"Do you have any idea what it's like..." The red man trailed off and turned to face Dark. "To have to pull yourself together, atom by atom" he queried almost somberly.

"Sounds difficult" Dark replied in an monotoned voice. "But, of course you know some pain" The red man stated as Dark reached for his gun.

"Shoot me and (Y/n) also dies" The red man informed, Dark froze in place. "Ours souls are bonded" The red man explained almost mockingly as he walked up to Dark and beat him with the metal bat.

Dark stumbled back and helplessly looked up at The red man. "Why are you doing this?" Dark questioned before The red man hit him again.

For a moment, The red man didn't respond, then he leaned over Dark, "it's what the world deserves" he responded before hitting Dark once more.

Dark collapsed onto the floor, "...Dark"... from somewhere, Dark heard someone call his name.

"...Sebastian" ...it was Margaret's voice, it failed to reach The red man.

The red man scowled before he continued ruthlessly beating Dark.

"Sebastian... stop this... you aren't a bad guy... you're our brother" Kristopher's voice echoed out... The red man paused for a moment and looked around.

The red man scowled before he returned to beating Dark, who no longer had the strength to stand.

"Sebastian. Can you hear us?" Margaret's voice questioned softly, The red man gazed at Dark. "You're Sebastian. You're name is Sebastian. You're our brother" Kristopher's called out, The red man shut his eyes and weakly hit Dark.

"Please... remember!" Margaret's voice begged, The red man dropped his bat and covered his ears.

Dark felt like he was going to cry. "Sebastian... come to your family" Margaret's voice ushered pleadingly, The red man clenched his fist.

"You must be so exhausted... come here, Sebastian" Kristopher's voice urged, The red man didn't know what to do anymore.

The red man removed his mask, his face looked just like Kristopher's... it was Sebastian.

Sebastian picked up his bat and went to hit Dark again when a gun shot echoed through the room.

Sebastian collapsed lifelessly to the floor and Dark looked up... (Y/n) had broken free of the soul bond and was holding Abe's gun.

(Y/n) dropped the gun and ran over to Dark, who shook him/her off before crawling to Sebastian, who was crying.

"I-I caused this" Sebastian whimpered as Dark motioned for (Y/n) to free Abe and Wilford. "No... you were hurt and scared... this wasn't your fault" Dark assured gently. "I'm so sorry" Sebastian whispered, Dark smiled and lightly nodded.

"This place isn't stable..." Sebastian trailed off and grabbed Dark's hand. "Thank you..." Sebastian whispered softly. "I'm going to finally be with my family now" he murmured gently.

Suddenly a light filled the room... Sebastian gave his life energy to heal Dark and the others. Sebastian was no longer breathing, Dark sighed and closed Sebastian's eyes before rising to his feet.

Although still hurt, Abe and Wilford healed enough to regain consciousness.

"Come on, we have to go" Dark urged before they group headed out of the Manor, none of them would ever forget how they were the ones that escaped.

Don't worry there's still a little bit more

I would like to give Thanks these people:
They've been extremely supportive of me and helped me to actually keep writing, this story probably wouldn't have been the same without them

I've had so much fun writing this and I hope you all enjoyed it

Question of the chapter:
What are some things you want to accomplish before you die?

I want to publish an actual book one day

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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