1:39 a.m January 3rd

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Abe yawned and tiredly rubbed his eyes, he couldn't exactly explain why but the Colonel's pin seemed to somehow lead him to an alleyway at the edge of the city. 

The detective had worked restlessly to find the whereabouts of William and the others. He had found out that both the Chef and the Butler were working together at a restaurant, but, arguably, that's where his findings both begin and end.

Abe stretched and rose to his feet, he was about to start walking when he froze... someone was behind him. 

His body stiffened as a gun cocked right behind him. "Hand me your wallet" the unfamiliar voice ordered as the gun pressed against his neck. 

Abe slowly put his hands in the air and hesitantly turned to face the man. Without further thought Abe hit the man across the faces as hard as he could. 

While the man was stunned Abe started sprinting away as fast as he could.

Abe heard the man's threats as he began to chase the detective. The man was fast, and was slowly catching up to Abe. 

The man shot the gun twice, the first shot barely missed, but the second shot hit directly into Abe's leg, right above his ankle. 

The detective let out a sharp cry as he lost his footing. Abe collapsed to his knees and quickly started scrambling to his feet when the man landed a rough kick to the detective's stomach. Abe grimaced as he fell to his side.

The detective started backing away from the man until he hit the wall. Abe's injured leg was throbbing and he felt nauseous. 

Abe looked up at the man, who was standing above him and aiming the gun at his head. Abe squeezed his eyes shut and covered his face with his arms.

 A gunshot greeted the detective's ears and echoed through the alley... Abe was still alive. Had he not been shot?

Abe slowly opened his eyes, the man was bleeding heavily from the side of his head, he stumbled back several feet before collapsing lifelessly to the floor. Abe sat frozen in fear as he tried to calm his breathing. 

"Are you okay, there?" An all to familiar accented voice questioned with a laugh. Abe looked over in disbelief, despite the pink hair and mustache, it was unmistakably William. William walked over to the detective and knelt beside him.

"Looks like he got you pretty good" William noted, examining Abe's injured leg. Abe was silent, his mouth slightly agape, he didn't know what to say. 

"Oh, how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. The name's Wilford" Wilford introduced himself, reaching out to help Abe to his feet. 

"I'm... Abe" Abe replied hesitantly, his mind was racing. William Wilford Warfstache... when had he started going by his middle name? 

"Well, it's no use standing here, come with me" Wilford urged leaning Abe against his shoulder to help him walk, Abe mumbled out a 'thank you' and limped along side him.

They walked several minutes in silence before Abe decided to say something. "Thanks for, uh... saving my life" Abe spoke before cringing at how pitiful he must have sounded. 

Wilford chuckled, "I don't do this often... but for some reason, you seem familiar" Wilford explained leading Abe into his apartment room.

Wilford helped Abe onto the couch and began searching through a couple of cabinets. "So, my main man, what were you up to this early" Wilford asked grabbing a first aid kit and walking back over to Abe. 

"Well, I-" Abe cringed as Wilford yanked the bullet from his skin, "I was trying to find y- an old friend" he explained. 

Wilford absentmindedly nodded a poured some hydrogen peroxide on Abe's wound. "Sorry, sorry" Wilford repeated as Abe let out a whimper and flinched.

"Do you know anyone by the name of (Y/n)" Abe questioned

Wilford glanced up, "vaguely" he mumbled as he began to wrap Abe's wound. "I-I Don't remember much, but he/she was important to me" Wilford explained almost somberly.

"W-we both knew (Y/n), he/she..." Abe trailed off, his words momentarily getting caught in his throat. "(Y/n) sent me to find you" Abe explained gently.

"Y'know, I have a friend, named Dark. He talks about (Y/n) a lot, he really loved him/her" Wilford stated as he finished wrapping Abe's wound. 

"W-what does he look like" Abe asked, Wilford motioned towards a picture... it was Damien, or more accurately, Dark. Abe gave a small smile, he had found both William and Damien.

"Do you have a place to go" Wilford asked, Abe hesitated, he hadn't really thought about that. 

Wilford laughed and patted Abe's shoulder, "you know what, I like you, why don't you stay here for a while" he chimed, Abe chuckled and nodded. Wilford sat beside Abe, "So, my main man, why don't you tell me about our old friend, (Y/n)" Wilford urged, Abe grinned and eagerly began telling Wilford about his partner.

Sorry about the slightly shorter chapter

I'm having a bit of 'writers blocks"... tbh I'm pretty sure my brain has just stopped working

Ummm, in other news I've been learning Serbian this past week, and I'm pretty sure I learned more Serbian in a week then I learned in my 2 years of Spanish class

Question of the chapter:
If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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