7:34 p.m October 12th

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"(Y/n)! Colonel! Come on, wake up" Abe fretted slightly shaking them, (Y/n) and The Colonel both let out a groan. 

(Y/n) slowly opened his/her eyes and squinted at Abe's blurry figure knelt in front of him/her. "Thank god, you two woke up. We were lucky Colonel pulled you out in time" Abe added helping (Y/n) and The Colonel to their feet. 

"What happened? Where's Celine? Where's Damien?!" Colonel exclaimed as Chef helped Benjamin to his feet. "Their gone" George simply stated as he started walking out.

"Wait a minute, where the hell do you think you're going" Abe queried, George scoffed in return. 

"Away from here! This place is cursed! If you'd half a brain, you'd all do the same" George responded bitterly. 

"Don't walk away from me! Where's Celine? Where's Damien?!" Colonel yelled his voice slightly breaking. Abe grabbed The Colonel's arm, "let him go, he's not going to help us" he sympathized somberly, shockingly instead of arguing The Colonel just softly nodded.

"We've spent years cooking for these uppity fucks. I'm not about to die for 'Em! We quit!" Chef objected storming out. "I know things seem far out of your control right now, but such that it is for all of us" Benjamin consoled putting a hand on The Colonel's shoulder. 

"I won't let my friends die in this godforsaken house!" The Colonel retorted running off, Abe reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. "H-hold on a second, you can't just leave by yours-" "Get your hands off me" The Colonel intruded and continued to storm off. "What the hell is going on here?!" Abe exclaimed before running to catch The Colonel.

"(Y/n), I can't stay here. You need to leave as well" Benjamin pleaded, (Y/n) smiled at him. 

"You know I can't just leave" (Y/n) responded, Benjamin sighed and slowly nodded. "You're going to need to make sure Chef stays out of trouble" (Y/n) noted gently. "(Y/n)-" "go, now" (Y/n) interrupted, Benjamin nodded and took several steps back before sprinting away.

(Y/n) leaned on the stair railing, his/her hand brushing against something. (Y/n) looked down... it was a white handkerchief with the word 'Damien' printed in fancy letters. 

(Y/n) sniffles and attached the handkerchief to The Colonel's pin. "Don't worry Damien, I'm going to get us out of here" he/she whispered wiping away a tear. 

(Y/n)  headed towards the corridor when a sharp ringing greeted his/her ears. (Y/n) leaned against the wall for support as he/she became lightheaded and his/her vision blurred.

Everything around (Y/n) became darker as he/she tried to stand up straight. "(Y/n), help" Damien pleaded, his voice so quiet (Y/n) almost couldn't understand him. 

"H-hang in there Damien, I'm going to get you out of this place" (Y/n) assured tiredly. (Y/n) pushed him/herself off from the wall, and started stumbling, trying to find Damien. Distorted voices seemed to be echoing around (Y/n) as he/she tried to navigate through the Manor.

The blurring and ringing stopped as (Y/n) entered another room. Newspaper articles and chaotic notes were littered throughout the room, most covered in Abe's handwriting. 

(Y/n) examined the torn newspaper, "safari hunt gone wrong" was printed in large bold lettering, a picture of The Colonel was directly left of the text. 

(Y/n) looked over at the pin board, which was covered in photos of The Colonel and Celine. (Y/n) walked over at the typewriter that was on the desk, the words "The Colonel did it" were constantly repeated. (Y/n) grabbed a broken picture frame, it was a photo of just The Colonel.

"There you are! I've been meaning to ask you some questions..." The Colonel trailed off as he began to look around the room. 

"What is this?" The Colonel asked grabbing the torn newspaper. 

Still Worth Fighting For (Damien/Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now