8:15 a.m October 11th

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(Y/n) yawned and rubbed his/her eyes, before sitting up and looking over at the clock, 8:15 A.M. (Y/n) spotted a small decorative card to the left of the clock, which he/she picked up. 

The card only had five neat cursive words: "I love you too ~ Damien", (Y/n) blushed and smiled. He/She slowly ambled to the bathroom and happily sighed, for once everything seemed so peaceful.

After showering and getting ready (Y/n) opened the bedroom door. "Ah! Good morning, hope you've had a good nights rest" Benjamin greeted, grabbing a drink off of the tray. 

"I've prepared an iced tea, the best thing for the morning after if you ask me" Benjamin offered, handing him/her the drink. (Y/n) simply thanked him before he walked off, probably to check on the other guests.

(Y/n) shyly walked over to Damien, who was leaning against the railing, he turned around and gave a bright smile.

"Ah! There's my little monster" Damien teased, causing (Y/n) to blush.

(Y/n) sighed and leaned against the railing beside Damien, "I bet you're glad to get to see your friends again" he/she remarked.

Damien softly chuckled "yeah, and they all seem to really like you also..." he trailed off for a moment, as if he was lost in thought. "Then again, I'm- I'm still not exactly sure as to what we're supposed to be celebrating here"  Damien added, with a puzzled look on his face. (Y/n) nodded, now that he/she thought about it, this was strange.

"I mean it's good to have the gang back together, but out of the blue like this seems..." Damien trailed off again and sighed. "Anyways, now is not the time to become conspiratorial. Life is ours to choose as I always say" Damien added giving (Y/n) a small smile.

"I- I have to ask, did you find the card" Damien questioned, (Y/n) blushed and gave a small nod. "I hope you know I meant it" Damien admitted, (Y/n)'s heart was racing, he/she didn't know what to say. After all (Y/n) had liked Damien for years.

Damien leaned in ever so slightly closer and studied (Y/n)'s face. "I've never realized how beautiful your eyes are" Damien observed.

"(Y/n), may I kiss you" Damien asked almost in a whisper, (Y/n) simply nodded as he/she didn't trust his/her voice at the moment.

Damien gently put his hand on (Y/n)'s chin, slightly angling his/her face slightly upward. Without much more thought or hesitation, Damien brought his lips to meet (Y/n)'s.

Damien slowly pulled away and almost giggled at (Y/n)'s blushing face, his/her expression somewhere between glee and shock. "You're so adorable when you blush" Damien whispered, only causing (Y/n) to blush even more.

"So... does this make us, I- I mean are we together now" (Y/n) stammered.

"Well, do you want us to be" Damien asked quietly, (Y/n) quickly nodded causing Damien to chuckle. "Then I guess we are" Damien responded, softly kissing (Y/n) again.

(Y/n) wrapped his/her arms around his neck to pull him closer, Damien's hair was extremely soft, and he smelt nice, like cinnamon sugar.

Damien slightly pulled away, their foreheads almost touching, "I have some work I need to finish up" Damien started, but didn't pull away.

(Y/n) gave a fake pout, "but, you're always such a hard worker" he/she protested. 

Damien smiled lovingly, "it's not much, I won't take too long" he reassured pulling away. 

Still Worth Fighting For (Damien/Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now