1:02 p.m January 27th

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(Y/n) hesitantly reached forward and grabbed the corners of the covers, before Chef or Benjamin could object, (Y/n) carefully pulled the covers off.

An almost inaudible gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips... it was Kristopher, he was pale and his breathing was shallow, but he was still alive.

"What? Do you know this guy?" Chef queried, (Y/n) silently nodded, "It's Kristopher" he/she managed to whisper.

A small smile tugged at (Y/n)'s lips as he/she softly grabbed Kristopher's hand.

Kristopher groaned softly before slowly opening his eyes, he squinted in a attempt to adjust to the light.

Kristopher hesitated before sitting up, "w-where am I?" He questioned, mostly to himself.

"Kristopher! You're awake!" (Y/n) exclaimed, Kristopher looked over at (Y/n) before rubbing his eyes. "I-I made it out?" Kristopher perplexed as he made an attempt to stand, his knees gave out and began to collapse before (Y/n) caught him.

"Thank you, (Y/n)" Kristopher croaked now leaning on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"How did you get here?" (Y/n) questioned, Kristopher slightly hesitated, "I-I don't know" he eventually admitted softly.

"Here, let me help" Chef offered before taking (Y/n)'s place and helping Kristopher walk.

"Oh, here, this is yours" (Y/n) stated as he/she handed Kristopher his blue wayfinder charm.

Kristopher nodded and softly mumbled out another 'thank you'. "Come on, let's get out of here" Benjamin urged as he opened the door for the group.

"What do you last remember?" (Y/n) asked, Kristopher hesitated, trying his best to remember anything of use, when he finally did his eyes widened.

"I would prefer to tell the whole group at once... so I don't have to repeat myself" Kristopher informed in a hushed and somewhat exhausted tone.

(Y/n) nodded sympathetically, "Well, that can wait, right now what's important is that you're alive" he/she assured as the group walked past the tree line.

(Y/n) nervously bit his/her bottom lip, "I-I have to show you something" he/she explained before leading Kristopher and the group to the side of Margaret's shop.

"Um, could you two wait out here, just for a couple minutes?" (Y/n) urged looking over at Chef and Benjamin, Chef shrugged and Benjamin slightly nodded.

"(Y/n), I don't understand the importance of this" Kristopher objected as (Y/n) led him to the front of the shop.

(Y/n) didn't say a word as he/she opened the door for Kristopher and slowly closed it behind him.

Margaret was standing behind the counter, facing away from them, she seemed to be washing dishes.

Margaret started turning around, "I'm sorry, we're closed at the mo-" Margaret's voice cut off as she stared at Kristopher.

Margaret slowly walked out from behind the counter and almost stumbled over to Kristopher.

Margaret reached over and brushed Kristopher cheek with her thumb, as if she expected him to be an illusion and simply disappear.

"I-it's really you" Margaret concluded in a whisper, if it wasn't for Kristopher pulling her into an embrace, Margaret would've collapsed.

A loud sob torn from Margaret's throat, "shh, it's okay. It's okay, Margaret, I'm here now, you don't have be afraid anymore" Kristopher consoled as tears silently trailed down his cheeks.

Margaret let out a small whimper and clutched onto Kristopher, "I know, it must have been scary. Don't worry I'm here, your big brother is here, I'm not going to leave" Kristopher assured gently.

Margaret let out another sob and nodded, Kristopher pulled away to look at Margaret., "look, it's okay now" he comforted wiping away his sister's tears.

Kristopher turned to face (Y/n), "Thank you" he added as he helped Margaret sit down.

"Did we miss something?" Chef questioned as him and Benjamin came into the shop.

(Y/n) chuckled, "family reunion... I guess" he/she stated before sitting down.

"Oh, there's a firework festival that's going on in a few days, if you four want to come" (Y/n) offered, Kristopher chuckled and nodded, "me and Margaret will definitely be there" he agreed.

"Festivals aren't really my thing" Chef stated, Benjamin looked over at him, almost pleadingly, "oh, come on, it wouldn't be the same without you" he urged, Chef rolled his eyes, "alright fine" he grudgingly agreed before slightly smiling.

Without to much of a warning, Wilford sprinted into the shop and tackle-hugged (Y/n), almost knocking him/her to the ground.

"Bully! I remember! I remember you! I remember everything!" Wilford exclaimed picking (Y/n) up and spinning him/her around.

"Wilford, calm down, you don't wanna to suffocate (Y/n)" Abe joked as he entered the shop with Dark and Anti.

"Wilford hesitantly stepped back, "I-I can't believe, I had forgotten. I-I..." Wilford trailed off and began pacing back and forth.

"Damie-" Wilford cut himself off, "Dark, was my best friend. A-and, (Y/n), you were always there... for all of us" he paused before hesitantly stumbling towards Abe.

"...I blamed you, for everything" Wilford seemingly choked on his own words before cautiously embracing Abe.

"...I-I shot you" Wilford stated his voice wavering. "Oh, god, I'm so sorry, I-I..." Wilford couldn't seem to continue talking as he choked back a sob.

"Hey, Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault" Abe assured gently as he patted Wilford's back.

"I never even gave you a chance" Wilford muttered, Abe softly sighed, "yeah, well, I didn't give you much of a chance either" he retorted gently.

(Y/n) and the group went to sit down, Kristopher took a deep breath, there was a lot that he needed explain.

Yay, shitty chapter
...who am I kidding all of my chapters are shit
Yeah, I self deprecate quite often

Question of the chapter:
If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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