9:40 p.m November 21st

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Location: The Void

Damien paced around the void restlessly. In a way, he had made the endless dark abyss his new 'home'. 

Damien's eyes were dilated, dark bags were easily visible below them. He couldn't remember exactly when he had last slept. 

Damien was afraid of sleep, for whenever he did the suppressed memory's of the Manor would replay in his mind. He felt like he was going insane. 

Damien was fidgety and on edge, his breathing was shallow and uneven. Damien felt himself slipping, all of his memories seemed fuzzy and vague.

Damien had been trying to suppress all memories of recent events, he was trying to forget absolutely everything, to simply disappear. 

Unfortunately however, his memories were permanently etched into his mind, and slowly invaded Damien's thoughts after time. 

There were also times where Damien could have sworn he heard (Y/n) calling out to him. He honestly didn't know if (Y/n) was really there or his/her voice was just another product of his sleep deprivation at loneliness, for Celine had disappeared several days ago.

Damien slowly collapsed to the floor as the last of coherency escaped his mind. Small orbs of tears trailed down his cheeks. 

His mind was racing, he was trying to remember what was the last thing (Y/n) had said to him, but sadly he couldn't. Small and quiet whimpers gradually turned into loud and broken sobs. 

"What have I done?" Damien wept softly as he began to rock back and forth. "I abandoned (Y/n)! I betrayed him/her! I left (Y/n) alone to suffer!" Damien wailed trying desperately to calm his breathing between sobs.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n). This is all my fault, I'm so sorry" Damien whimpered tiredly. Despite all of his efforts to stay awake, he slowly succumbed to his exhaustion and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Location: The Manor

Celine, or more accurately, Celine's spirit, slowly entered the Manor, trying to find (Y/n). 

"Excuse me, but are you Celine, by any chance" Kristopher asked, Celine quickly turned around towards him. "Yes, I am. Who are you" Celine demanded, Kristopher gave a warm smile.

 "My name is Kristopher, I am the previous tenant of this Manor" he answered politely, Celine cautiously nodded. "I'm guessing you're looking for young (Y/n)" Kristopher assumed, Celine hesitated but gave another nod. Kristopher smiled again and motioned for Celine to follow him.

"I'm surprised you managed to escape from the host" Kristopher noted calmly. Celine half way flared at him, "how did you kn-" "I am also a victim of this Manor" Kristopher interjected before stopping at the stair way. 

"(Y/n)!" Kristopher called out, after several seconds (Y/n) came into view, pausing as he/she spotted Celine.

"Celine! How did you get here?!" (Y/n) exclaimed,

"that isn't important, I think I found a way to get you back into... a body" Celine replied quickly, biting her bottom lip. "Safely transporting a soul is extremely dangerous" Kristopher countered, Celine simply nodded. "Mark took Damien's body, but my body is somewhere between reality and the void" Celine explained

(Y/n) cleared his/her throat, "and that means?" He/she questioned.

"She may be able to pull her body back to reality" Kristopher explained looking over at Celine, who nodded in agreement. 

"But it's very difficult, getting my body here and safely getting you in will probably kill me" Celine stated. "Not to mention, we will have to send you and the body away from the Manor, it may take months for you to wake up" Kristopher added. 

(Y/n) looked over at Celine, "are you sure this is what you want" he/she asked gently, Celine didn't say anything but simply nodded.

(Y/n) took a deep and shaky breath before nodding, "okay, what do we need to do" he/she asked quietly.

Celine smiled, "I need a few minutes alone, my work can not be interrupted" she stated before running into another room. 

(Y/n) paused before turning towards Kristopher, who almost automatically pulled him/her into a hug. "Don't fret, you're stronger than you know" Kristopher assured, (Y/n) sniffled and embraced Kristopher. 

"I don't want to leave you here alone" he/she bawled. Kristopher smiled and wiped away his/her tears, "Don't worry, (Y/n) I know we'll meet again" he promised.

"(Y/n)! It's time!" Celine yelled, (Y/n) took a cautious step back, "I-I have to go" (Y/n) stuttered. Kristopher nodded before carefully kissing (Y/n)'s forehead, "may you be smiled upon, my sweet grandchild" Kristopher spoke in a gentle tone. (Y/n) smiled sadly before walking over to join Celine.

Celine stood silently over her own body before looking over at (Y/n), Celine, in a way, looked even more transparent. "Are you ready for this?" Celine asked calmly, (Y/n) hesitantly nodded. Celine motioned for (Y/n) to come closer, which he/she did. Celine grabbed (Y/n)'s hands, "just close your eyes, and let the darkness enclose you" Celine stated. 

(Y/n) took a deep breath and closed his/her eyes. (Y/n)'s senses began to drown out before everything went black.

Edit: I still see that this chapter didn't upload yet it as 30 reads (?)

A forehead kiss is actually considered a platonic blessing, or wishing wellness for someone

I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far

Question of the chapter:
What would be your perfect vacation?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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