2:07 p.m January 27th

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Just as Kristopher was about to start explaining, the door opened once more, and Anti swore impatiently under his breath.

"(Y/n)!" Mark exclaimed, (Y/n) stood up and walked over to him, "Mark, what are you doing her-" Mark cut him/her off with a tight hug.

(Y/n) softly laughed, "I missed you too, friend" he/she replied as he/she softly hugged Mark.

(Y/n) heard Mark softly cry, "h-hey, there's no need to cry, besides, you already got me that dinner you owed me" he/she consoled.

Mark somberly chuckled, "You're the one that paid" he acknowledged softly. "Well, then you better schedule a time where we can go eat out somewhere" (Y/n) responded causing Mark to softly laugh.

Dark let out a growl and roughly stood up, causing his chair to fall onto the floor.

Dark stormed over pushed (Y/n), causing him/her to collapse, before slamming Mark against the wall.

Abe rushed over to help (Y/n) to his/her feet as Dark scowled and put his hands around Mark's throat.

"Dark, please don't do this" (Y/n) begged, Dark didn't move, he simply gripped Mark's neck tighter, enough to partially cut off air flow.

Abe blocked (Y/n) and slowly stepped closer to Dark, "Dark, we understand that you're upset, but please try to relax" Abe began attempting to get closer to Dark.

"You lying, backstabbing piece of shit" Dark spat bitterly before punching Mark at the ribs.

Dark gripped Mark's neck tighter, "you fucked everything up" he accused as Mark started gasping desperately for air.

"I-I Don't know you" Mark croaked, (Y/n)'s eyes widened, Mark didn't recognize Dark.

Dark scowled before hitting Mark on the side of the head, "Dark! You need to stop!" Abe urged stepping closer.

Dark glanced over and in one swift motion, grabbed a glass plate from the counter and slammed it against Abe's head.

Abe let out a strangled scream and staggered back while holding his head.

Wilford and Anti rushes over to Abe side, to see if he was okay. For a moment, (Y/n) was stunned, he/she had never seen Dark act like this.

"Dark! Please stop this!" (Y/n) begged as Dark continued beating Mark and mumbling swears under his breath

(Y/n) sniffled and choked back a sob, "Stop! You're hurting your friend! Please, you need to stop! Please, Damien!" (Y/n) pleaded, Dark instantly froze upon hearing his real name.

Mark hesitantly looked up, "D-Damien?" he whispered with disbelief.

"Please, Damien, don't hurt Mark anymore, don't hurt your friend" (Y/n) begged.

Dark let go of Mark, who almost instantly collapsed to the floor, Dark stepped back before grabbing (Y/n)'s shirt collar and slamming him/her against the wall.

"You're treading on thin ice, (Y/n)" Dark warned, (Y/n) hesitated before glaring at Dark. "Stupid girl/boy, do you really think I don't have the ability to kill you" Dark threatened... that one single sentence was what finally caused (Y/n) to snap.

"Oh, yeah, what are you going to do" (Y/n) sneered. "Are you going to abandon me in a god damn purgatory again, just leave me to rot? Or are you going to beat be to death, like you were going to do to Mark? (Y/n) provoked bitterly, an unreadable and almost emotionless expression plastered onto his/her face.

Dark didn't respond, he just simply scowled. "Go ahead, continue your tantrum. If that's what you really want to do, then just fucking kill me, see where it gets you" (Y/n) taunted.

Dark let go of (y/n) and stepped back, (Y/n) glared at him and stepped in front of Mark, in order to protect him.

"Do you not understand that he caused this?!" Dark objected pointing at Mark.

"Mark may have been a heart broken idiot... but he never wanted to hurt us like this" (Y/n) retorted quietly.

"He threw dirt in your eyes" Dark snapped. (Y/n) scoffed and shook his/her head, "yeah, I hope you remember that Wilford shot me in the heart and killed me. I really hope you remember that you betrayed me and literally kicked my soul out of my own body before leaving me for dead" (Y/n) retaliated before stepping closer to Dark. "I think I'm used to having dirt thrown in my eyes" (Y/n) sneered coldly.

"Damien" Mark started weakly as he made an attempt to stand, before collapsing to the floor, Dark looked over at Mark, his expression somehow softening.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Mark croaked as he made another attempt to stand, he began to collapse again, but almost on instinct, Dark rushed over and caught him. "Oh, god. What have I done" Dark fretted as he helped Mark to his feet.

"I do apologize, but I need to explain some things" Kristopher intruded, no one said a word as they sat around Kristopher, Dark didn't even make eye contact with anyone.

"I know most of us have been inside the Manor" Kristopher stated before clearing his throat.

"After (Y/n) left, it has, in a way, gone out of control" he explained before sighing. "The Manor seems to be making these... monsters" Kristopher began as he set a photo on the desk... it was the same thing that attacked (Y/n).

"The thing is, I don't know how it's creating them" Kristopher clarified with a sigh.

"What are we supposed to do?" Mark questioned softly. "We have to find out how the Manor is doing this and put a stop to it" Kristopher answered.

"That means..." (Y/n) trailed off and looked down, his/her hands tightly clenched.

Abe looked over at him/her, "that means we have to go back to the Manor" he lamented.

(Y/n) quickly stood up and shook his/her head, "I-I need some fresh air" (Y/n) stated hastily, he/she sprinted out the door before anyone could protest.

You just escaped from your own 'purgatory' that lowkey emotionally scarred you and now you have to go back.
...tbh after what happened I would've probably ran off too

Also, does this count as a cliff hanger?
I'm pretty sure it does

Question of the chapter:
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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