11:23 a.m Febuary 4th

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At first, everything was hazy, (Y/n) felt as if he/she was floating, like he/she was underwater, yet could still breath.

Everything was dark, yet for some reason, (Y/n) wasn't afraid. (Y/n) took deep breaths and tried to focus on the sound of his/her own muffled heartbeat.

Eventually, (Y/n) could faintly hear someone playing the guitar, it was a familiar song... more precisely, it was the first song Dark had learned on the guitar, back when they were young. (Y/n) remember that he/she had been the one to show Dark the song.

"I walk through the valley, of the shadow of death" Dark sang through a pained voice. "And I fear no evil, because I'm blind to it all" he continued, (Y/n) slightly twitched as feeling started to come back to his/her body.

"And my mind, my gun, they comfort me" Dark paused for a moment and took a shaky breath.  "Because I know I'll kill my enemies, when they come" he sang, (Y/n) involuntarily twitched in pain.

Dark took a deep breath, "surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life", (Y/n) groggily forced his/her eyes open.
"And I will dwell on this earth forevermore... said I walk beside the still waters, and they restore my soul" he sang as his voice became softer.

"But I can't walk on the path of the right, because I'm wrong..." Dark trailed of and took another shaky breath.

(Y/n) took a silent deep breath, "no, I can't walk... on the path of the right... because I'm wrong" he/she sang in a hoarse and quiet voice.

"(Y/n)! You're finally awake!" Dark exclaimed as he dropped his guitar and rushed over to (Y/n)'s side.

(Y/n) warmly smiled and softly grabbed Dark's hand, his/her smiled dropped as Dark put his head down and quietly let out a sob.

"D-Dark, are you crying?" (Y/n) fretted, Dark pulled (Y/n) into an embrace.

"(Y/n)... I'm so sorry... what I said to you, I-" Dark cut himself off with another sob. (Y/n) gently embraced Dark, "it's okay, Dark. I know you didn't mean it" (Y/n) assured gently.

"I-I thought I lost you... I thought you were never going to wake up" Dark admitted quietly.

"Dark, look at me" (Y/n) urged, Dark pulled away and somberly looked at (Y/n). "I was trapped in that god forsaken Manor for around six months" (Y/n) stated.

Dark opened his mouth to speak but (Y/n) cut him off, "but, I kept fighting, I fought my fate, so that I could escape that hell" (Y/n) paused. "Do you know why?" he/she asked, Dark softly shook his head.

"I did it for you" (Y/n) stated. "I love all my friends... but I wasn't fighting for Chef or Benjamin or Wilford or Mark or Abe..." (Y/n) trailed off and pointed at Dark.

"No. I was fighting for you. I was fighting because I love you so deeply... I-I couldn't stand the thought that you could be scared or hurt" (Y/n) clarified as a tear rolled down his/her cheek.

"Why... I abandoned you..." Dark trailed off, (Y/n) shook his/her head. "No. You were hurt, you were scared, and you were lost" (Y/n) objected as he/she wiped away Dark's tears.

"I know you never wanted to hurt me" (Y/n) assured with a smile. Dark sniffled before smiling at (Y/n).

"Dark... could I get some water..." (Y/n) trailed off for a moment. "And you should probably tell the others I'm awake" he/she added, Dark chuckled and nodded before leaving the room.

Mere seconds later, both Abe and Anti bursted into the room, and rushed over to (Y/n)'s side.

"(Y/n)!" Anti exclaimed in a childlike tone as he and Abe both hugged (Y/n) tightly, (Y/n) grunted in discomfort but hugged his/her two friends back.

"Please, Be gently. Mr/Ms (L/n)'s wounds haven't completely healed yet" an unfamiliar voice informed. Both Abe and Anti let go of (Y/n) and stepped out of the way.

A doctor walked over to (Y/n), he had black hair, which was neatly styled and partially gelled back, and very gentle and tired light brown eyes.

"Good morning, Mr/Ms (L/n), my name is Dr.Iplier, I'm your doctor" Dr.Iplier greeted as he extended his hand.

(Y/n) smiled and gently shook his hand, "Please, just call me (Y/n)" he/she assured, Dr.Iplier smiled a nodded in response.

Dark came back into the room and handed the Doctor a cup of water, "could you three step outside?" Dr.Iplier asked. "I need to run some test to make sure (Y/n) is healing properly" he clarified before Abe, Anti, and Dark left the room.

Dr.Iplier helped (Y/n) drink some water before he started pressing his thumbs on several places on his/her head and neck, each time asking 'if the pressure hurt' before writing something on his clipboard.

"How bad am I injured?" (Y/n) asked as Dr.Iplier shined a small flashlight into his/her eyes.

"Well, you're eyes are dilating probably and you don't have any internal swelling around the neck from the strangulation... which I was most worried about" Dr.Iplier stated before looking at his clipboard.

"Other than that, you suffered a concussion, your left shoulder was dislocated, you have multiple fractures, you pinched a nerve in your right ankle, and you were starting to get hypothermia" Dr.Iplier listed

"Damn, I really got fucked up" (Y/n) commented, mostly to himself/herself, Dr.Iplier softly chuckled and grabbed a syringe and a small bottle that's used to hold blood.

"You're actually pretty lucky you removed your shoes and socks... if you hadn't you would've gotten immersion foot syndrome" Dr.Iplier expressed absentmindedly as he cleaned (Y/n)'s forearm.

(Y/n) looked away from the needle, "well, I'm glad I don't have rotting feet" he/she responded before slightly flinching as the Dr.Iplier injected the needle.

"I just need to run some blood test... make sure your vitals are okay" Dr.Iplier explained before he withdrew the needle and bandaged (Y/n)'s forearm.

Dr.Iplier looked up at (Y/n), "I'll be back early tomorrow morning, try to get some rest" he informed before he packed his things and left the room.

Soon after Dark came back in and sat in the chair beside (Y/n), "can I do anything to help?" he asked, (Y/n) tiredly looked over at him, he/she was already falling back asleep.

"Just... stay here with me" (Y/n) whispered his/her eyes drifting shut. (Y/n) heard Dark respond right before he/she drifted off to sleep; "I'll always be here with you."

Wow, that was emotional

Yes I added Dr.Iplier... Because he's amazing
You can fight me if you disagree
I won't hesitate, bitch
...I'm sorry, you're not a bitch... I love you all
'Immersion foot syndrome' or 'trench foot' is what I was talking about a couple chapters ago
...it's fucking disgusting
Like, it's literally foot rot
Type in this link if you have a strong stomach: https://goo.gl/images/GRpDUV

Question of the chapter:
What is the strangest dream you have ever had?

I talked about one of my strangest dreams in my "story" 'ramblings of a insane person'
It was a pretty fucked up dream
...I somehow lost my eye
And there was a lot of blood

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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