9:31 p.m March 1st

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The lights slowly flickered back on... Kristopher was missing, "K-Kristopher, can you here me?!" (Y/n) screamed, there was no response.

(Y/n) grimaced before he/she looked over at Dark, Abe, and Wilford, "you guys okay?" (Y/n) asked softly. "Nothing years of therapy won't fix" Abe answered glancing over at where Kristopher was dragged too.

"Are you three ready for this?" Dark questioned as he took a deep breath. "I feel like we're as ready as we'll ever be" (Y/n) replied before he/she shook his/her head.

(Y/n) took a step forward, suddenly the torches on the wall somehow lit themselves.

(Y/n) took a deep shaky breath, "well, let's get going" he/she muttered before the group started down the stairs. They didn't get far before the trap door shut behind them, Dark swore under his breath, now with no way back, they had no choice but to go deeper.

The secret passage was cold, and only got colder as they went deeper.

The stairs seemed to go on forever, and without realizing, the group seemed to clump together more and more, for some sense of security.

(Y/n) let outa half relieved sigh as they reached the bottom of the stairs before they all froze.

They were in slightly small room which had two different doors on opposite sides of the room.

"This is a stupid idea, but I think we need split into two groups" (Y/n) said almost absentmindedly. "If Kristopher is in danger then we need to be quick" he/she clarified.

"(Y/n) has a point" Dark commented before slightly pausing. "(Y/n) and I will go to the right door. You two go to the left door" he suggested, Abe quickly nodded.

(Y/n) hesitated before Dark and him/her walked over to the right door. (Y/n) suddenly stopped and watched as Abe and Wilford walked into the other room.

"Something bad is going to happen" (Y/n) stated in an almost monotoned voice before he/she shook his/her head. "Never mind, I'm probably just paranoid" (Y/n) said quickly before turning back to the door.

"Come on, let's get moving" (Y/n) urged, Dark hesitated before he nodded, they entered  the room, which, strangely enough, resembled a kitchen.

(Y/n) and Dark were almost overwhelmed by the putrid stench of rotting meat... there was a large pile of decaying Corrupted, the pile was covered in maggots.

(Y/n) slightly gagged and looked away, Dark suddenly grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and pulled him/her behind several large crates.

A door unlocked and slowly opened, (Y/n) and Dark held their breath as several corrupted rushed inside the room.

Neither of them moved, but they could hear the grotesque sound of the corrupted ripping and devouring the decay corpses.

The door opened again as footsteps hollowly tapped against the stained tile. "Walk faster!" A gruff voice demanded, (Y/n) grimaced, he/she new that voice.

Dark grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, "are you okay?" he whispered gently, (Y/n) bit his/her bottom lip. "He's the guy who..." he/she trailed off and motioned at his/her own neck, which was slightly bruised due to the noose.

"Please, spare the kids" Kristopher begged, he sounded helpless and weak. "Did I tell you could speak" The red man snapped as they walked to the door opposite of (Y/n) and Dark.

The red man made a whistling noise, which seemed to be some sort of command to the corrupted, as they all followed as The red man and Kristopher left the room.

The red man loudly slammed the door shut causing both (Y/n) and Dark to flinch.

"How the fuck are we supposed to get to Kristopher or The red man if they're both surrounded by corrupted?!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Dark stood up and reached over to help (Y/n) stand.

Dark sighed, "we'll find a way" he assured as he pulled (Y/n) to his/her feet.

Dark looked over at the decaying pile of corpses, which had picked at and ripped apart, "how the hell is he controlling those thing?" he asked absentmindedly before shaking his head.

(Y/n) walked over to the door, "he locked it behind them" he/she stated after trying to open the door.

Dark gave a hum in response, "we could try the other room... maybe they lead to the same place" he suggested, (Y/n) softly nodded, "I guess it's the only choice we have" he/she responded quietly.

(Y/n) and Dark walked into the other room, which, somehow, was even worse than the previous rooms.

There were several hanging cages, all with hanging corrupted, they were all attached to wires and thin tubes, which lead to a strange glowing machine opposite of (Y/n) and Dark.

Upon closer inspection, the machine seemed to be painfully draining everything from the corrupted and converting it into the black mist, which was transformed upward through the tube.

"They didn't deserve this" (Y/n) commented almost sympathetically.

The only way forward for through a broken elevator shaft, the elevator itself was stuck between the floor they were on and the floor below them.

(Y/n) and Dark walked over to the elevator shaft, "well, fuck it" (Y/n) murmured before he/she climbed on top of the elevator, Dark followed directly behind (Y/n).

Dark and (Y/n) looked below them through a small gap, the bottom floors been completely flooded. Dark jumped up and grabbed the edge of the floor above him and climbed up.

Just as (Y/n) was about to jump the elevator the elevator gave in and (Y/n) fell headlong into the flooded floors.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Dark screamed as (Y/n) came up from the water, "I'm good!" he/she assured. "You go ahead, try to get to Kristopher, I'll find a way up!" (Y/n) urged, Dark nodded before rushing off.

"Okay, (Y/n), think" he/she mumbled while looking around. (Y/n) didn't have to react as a dark red mist wrapped around his/her legs and dragged him/her under water.

(Y/n) struggled against it, but slowly lost consciousness as the water started filling his/her lungs.

Y'know I wonder if this is terrifying to (Y/n) or if they're like "Can things stop fucking dragging me down... literally and figuratively"
...maybe it's both

We are actually coming close to end
I hope you guys enjoyed it
I'm lowkey tempted to write a "Danti" doc after this

Oh by the way I now have a fan art book
It's okay, I guess

Question of the chapter:
Who would be the worst person to be stuck in an elevator with? How about the best person to be stuck in an elevator with?

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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