10:39 p.m march 1st

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Abe and Wilford were aimlessly searching through the labyrinth, unfortunately they had lost their way, and had no idea which lead them forward or backwards.

Furthermore, the torch that Abe had picked up a while back, had started to dim, they both knew it could go out at any minute.

The corrupted seemed to have been malnourished to the point that they were killing and cannibalizing each other, in a way, Abe felt bad for them.

Wilford, on the other hand, didn't say anything thing on the matter, but looked unnerved, nevertheless.

Abe and Wilford had also noticed that the corrupted looked different than the ones they had seen before.

The 'scales' on their back were now in two rows and curved to sides. Their legs were longer, and no longer proportional to the rest of their body. Their arms, instead of resembling large pincers were thin and pointed, almost like massive ice picks.

Abe and Wilford were currently walking across a small metal platform away the main part of the room, looking down they could see two corrupted staggering aimlessly around the room, their walking seemed clumsy and unnatural and they would only occasional gurgled clicking noises.

They made it about halfway through the room when a corrupted let out a gurgled noise, from right behind Abe and Wilford.

Abe quickly pushed Wilford away from the corrupted and reached for his gun when the corrupted launched itself at him.

It all happened too quickly for with of them to react... the monster's 'arm' had stabbed straight through Abe's torso and then knocked over the metal platform, Abe landed on the ground below them with a loud thud.

Wilford pulled out his gun a shot the corrupted before it could attack him before aiming at the two on the ground with Abe.

Wilford managed to climb down from the metal platform and rushed over to Abe, who was convulsing on the floor, soaking in a puddle of his own blood.

"A-Abe. O-oh shit, that looks really bad" Wilford rambled, Abe put his hand over his bloodied wound.

"I'll be fine, just help me up" Abe assured weakly, Wilford quickly nodded before pulling Abe to his feet.

the corrupted had stabbed completely through Abe, and he was profusely bleeding from either side of his torso.

A loud banging echoed from the other side of the door behind them. "Here, lean on my shoulder" Wilford urged before they both to the opposite door.

Wilford opened the door and staggered inside, Abe struggled to lean against the wall as Wilford locked the door behind them.

"Come on, we need to hurry" Wilford urged as he put Abe's arm back around his neck.

"Wilford, look" Abe murmured pointing ahead of them, sure enough, Wilford was to busy panicking to notice the giant glass containers lining the walls.

They were all connected to tubes that lead the the other side of the long corridor, more disturbingly, each one of the containers contained a barely living person, they were floating in some type of liquid and almost looked like that they were sleeping.

Abe and Wilford continued walking through the corridor, they knew they couldn't do anything to save these people.

By the time they reached the end of the corridor Abe had gotten significantly weaker. Wilford helped him lean against a wall before he pushed a rusted door open.

Wilford quickly grabbed Abe before he could fall and they both walked into the next room.

It was a large circular room, more containers were lining the walls and there was a strange machine in the direct middle of the room.

That's when Abe and Wilford found Kristopher, who looked like he had been badly beaten, he was on the edge of death.

Kristopher was collapsed on the floor, leaning against part of the machine... he was tightly holding Margaret, who appeared to no longer be breathing.

"Kristopher!" Wilford screamed out as they both staggered over to him, Kristopher looked up, his eyes were bloodshot and exhausted.

"I-Is Margaret..." Abe trailed off and Kristopher tiredly nodded. "We need to get you out of here!" Abe exclaimed, Kristopher shook his head. "No. It's to late for me, I'm sorry" he protested quietly.

"The red man... has (Y/n)" Kristopher stated, before pointing towards a ladder. "You must save (Y/n)" he explained before looking at Abe.

"This is the machine... that killed Sebastian..." he trailed off for a moment. "(Y/n)'s lucky cat statue, is being occupied by a soul fragment... it's been protecting him/her" Kristopher started explaining.

"I will give you my life energy, put the statue into the machine, and start it" he continued weakly. Abe opened his mouth to protest, "no time, for arguments, please... just do this" Kristopher begged as he motioned for Abe to get closer.

Kristopher grabbed Abe's hand before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, there was huge flash of light... and when the light dimmed, Abe was healed and Kristopher was no longer breathing.

Abe and Wilford stood for a second in shock before Abe stepped back and reached into his bag.

Abe grabbed the lucky cat statue and walked over to the small container attached to the machine, he set the statue inside and closed the container.

Wilford and Abe both walked over to the machines keypad and Abe tentatively pressed the start button. A bright light filled the container before the container shattered, a white wisp emerged from the shattered container before it flew around Abe and Wilford, then it suddenly disappeared.

Abe hesitated before shaking his head, "Come on, we have to hurry, (Y/n) could be counting on us" Abe urged before they both hastily scurried up the ladder, dozens of unanswered questions filling their thoughts.

My friend read this and legitimately said "Oh shit, Abe just got fucking Joel'd"
Something I wonder why I'm friends with him... he's kinda a dumbass
...but I love him
He's the life of the party

I can't believe how much I've actually written
Like, god damn

Question of the chapter:
Off the top of your head, what is the greatest insult/threat you've made?

One time this guy was being a asshole to my friend, so I said to him:
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll cut off your dick off and feed it to you"
Great memories

...Anyways have a good morning/evening/night

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