3:13 a.m January 29th

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(Y/n) groaned as his/her body slightly convulsed, some of the stones and dust covered his/her body making it difficult to breathe and impossible to see.

(Y/n)'s body involuntarily convulsed once more, he/she struggled and painfully dragged himself/herself out from the debris.

(Y/n) rubbed his/her eyes before he/she began coughing and wheezing, the dust had filled his/her throat. (Y/n) struggled to his/her knees, "fuck, what happened?" he/she questioned to himself/herself.

(Y/n)'s whole body was enveloped in an unbearable agony, every twitch just seemed to make the pain worse.

(Y/n) let out a cry of pain as he/she pushed himself/herself against the wall. (Y/n) leaned his/her head back and grabbed his/her side, he/she wheezing as he/she started trying to collect himself/herself.

(Y/n) looked down, his/her clothes were slightly torn and stained dark red. "Blood" (Y/n) managed weakly. "That's my blood. That's a lot of my blood" (Y/n) rasped as he/she began to panic.

(Y/n) turned his/her leg and cringed, a sharp rock was stuck in the side of his/her calf, he/she barely touched it, but an intense pain shot through his/her body, causing him/her to yelp.

(Y/n) hesitated, his/her hands were violently shaking. (Y/n) took a deep breath before roughly yanking the rock out of his/her leg, (Y/n) screamed loudly and let out a sob.

After several minutes of broken crying, (Y/n) regained some composure, he/she looked down at his/her watch... it was completely shattered.

(Y/n) swore under his/her breath before opening his/her bag, he/she didn't have much, and most of what he/she had was destroyed. (Y/n) searched through his/her bag and grabbed an extra t-shirt before pausing... the lucky cat was laying at the bottom of the bag, it didn't even have a scratch.

(Y/n) stared at the lucky cat before looking back at the collapsed wall... if he/she had been just a little further back he/she would've been pulverized and reduced to nothing but a stain in the floor. "Guess you really are lucky" (Y/n) murmured absentmindedly before he/she started tearing several strips off his/her extra shirt, in order to wrap up his/her wounds.

(Y/n) tightly tied the cloth over his/her injured leg and started to wrap his/her arm when a familiar gurgled cry echoing in the distance.

(Y/n) began to panic as he/she struggled to get to his/her feet, (Y/n) pushed away from the wall and started stumbling away from the noise.

The pain was unbearable and (Y/n) was extremely weak, but he/she didn't want to die here. Inevitably, (Y/n)'s legs gave out on him/her as he/she collapsed to the ground, (Y/n) groaned quietly.

"It would be so much easier if you didn't run" a man stated, (Y/n) quickly turned around, a masked man was standing in front of the monsters.

The man had dark brown hair and an unnatural red glow around him.

(Y/n) backed away as the masked man took a step closer, "who are you?!" (Y/n) demanded.

The man chuckled, "I've gone by many names, identity's, faces" he replied as (Y/n) backed away again.

"What do you want?" (Y/n) snapped, the masked man chuckled again, "you'll see (Y/n)" he answered.

Before (Y/n) could react, a hard object hit the back of his/her head, then (Y/n) unconsciously collapsed.

(Y/n) regained consciousness from the sound of rushing water, his/her ankles and wrists were bounded and a tight pressure surrounded his/her neck.

(Y/n) slowly opened his/her eyes... the masked man was standing in front of him/her, they were both on a wooden bridge.

"Tell me (Y/n)" The masked man began as he started pacing. "Why do you fight so damn hard to protect your friends?" he asked almost mockingly.

Still Worth Fighting For (Damien/Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now