5:32 p.m October 11th

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"Why did he invite us all here? Why tonight? He said we were celebrating something but he never specified what" Abe pointed out as he and (Y/n) continued through the Manor.

"Like this whole thing could still just be a ruse" (Y/n) added trying to keep up with Abe, he/she didn't want him to know how tired he/she really was. 

"Exactly. Mark was my friend- had been for years, then he went quite. I knew something was wrong" Abe continued with a sigh. "Yeah... Mark was never one to hesitate to ask for help. It doesn't make sense why he would just go silent" (Y/n) added as they came to a stop.

"I never got to figure out what was wrong. Now I guess I never will" Abe mumbled.

 "Abe, none of this is your fault, don't beat yourself up about it" (Y/n) consoled, Abe scoffed "and you're not 'beating yourself up' about this" quipped sarcastically. 

(Y/n) let out a soft sigh, "I am. Mark... was a childhood friend and I wish I could've done more to help, but..." he/she trailed off and let out a quiet sob. 

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I-I shouldn't have snapped at you like that" Abe apologized. At this point (Y/n) wanted to cry, but instead he/she gave a bright smile. "Ah, forget about it, I'm a big kid I can handle it" (Y/n) assured.

"Look, I'm going to level with you. You're my new partner" Abe started as they began walking again. "Now I've been doing this for years, and I know something is wrong. There is a murderer-" Abe suddenly got cut off by a crash of thunder "- here amongst us, and we need to find them" Abe finished leading (Y/n) up the stairs.

 "You look trustworthy, I know we just met, but I am an excellent judge of character." Abe stated looking over at (Y/n), who was starting to look noticeably drained.

"A big factor is motive, who would gain the most from Marks death" (Y/n) noted, Abe glanced over at him/her. "Who do you think it could've been" Abe asked. 

(Y/n) sighed, "I don't know anymore, Abe. This is all just a big mess and... I just don't want anyone else to get hurt" he/she answered. 

"Well, we're gonna have to do the detectively thing, and go through the victim's most private and personal possessions" Abe announced reaching to open Mark's bedroom door before (Y/n) grabbed his arm. "Let me go first" (Y/n) said quickly, Abe hesitantly nodded.

(Y/n) opened the door, he/she didn't have time to react as the door trap was set off, causing several glass bottles to fall, slicing his/her shoulder. 

(Y/n) let out a painful cry and reached to grab his/her shoulder, "partner! Are you okay?!" Abe fretted, rushing over to (Y/n), who simply brushed him off. 

"I- I'm fine, I'm okay" (Y/n) assured covering his/her wound with his/her hand. "Let me see it" Abe urged, (Y/n) rolled his/her eyes but took his/her hand away. The cut, although deep, wasn't deep enough to need stitches, but Abe still seemed concerned.

"And this is why I decided to go first" (Y/n) joked as Abe grabbed a handkerchief from his back pocket and started to dab up the blood. (Y/n) grimaced, truthfully, his/her shoulder hurt like hell, but he/she wanted to be strong, to help the others... to help Damien. 

"The bleeding slowed down. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Abe asked. (Y/n) feigned a smile, "yeah, I'll be okay. Don't worry" he/she reassured covering his/her wound and motioning for them to go into Marks room.

The room was a complete mess, items were thrown everywhere. 

"It looks rough, but I don't think he was killed here" Abe grimaced. "Take a look around and see if you find anything" Abe instructed before grabbing (Y/n)'s wrist "and be careful" he stressed. 

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